ACP Announcement Centre

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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by lefty74 »

you can see your changes in the acp but you cannot see an announcement box?

did you upload the announcement_centre.html to your aero blue style?

when you say nothing displays, that is nothing or just no text, the box is there?
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by tommekemc »

pjjacobs wrote:I installed this correctly, working in the ACP, SQL done, but it doesnt matter what i enter in the text boxes or what options i select, nothing displays on the index?

Using AeroBlue style based on subsilver2, i edited those aswell, it says "Updated Succesfull" in the ACP but nothing happens, help?
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre


lefty74 wrote:
PATRICKDAVIS wrote:Hi guys, iv tryed installing this mod,

iv edited the coding as explained, however i seem to have a problem with the coding withing the

language/en/common.php file,

because it stops my forum from displaying, and when i remove that file and put my backed up file back it works again.,,,

any help as to what the error is?
What text editor are you using to do your edits? All language files should be saved as UTF-8 without BOM.

i Use notepad ++ Whats utf-8 without bom!!
PATRICKDAVIS wrote:i also have this error!!

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Table 'usc.phpbb_6announcement_centre' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT * FROM phpbb_6announcement_centre

did you run the SQL statement? also, did you change your prefix? it looks like you do not use the standard prefix phpbb_ but phpbb_6 so you would need to change the SQL statements to reflect that
HanC wrote:i cannot see Annoincement Centre in ACP

Sorry to sound really dumb, but could you give alittle more information to explain to someone as dumb as me what your saying in the above statements!!

How could i find it
you will need to create the module as per the DIY part of the installation instructions
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by lefty74 »

PATRICKDAVIS wrote:i Use notepad ++ Whats utf-8 without bom!!
i am using notepad++ as well. i was asking as some text editor's mess up the the file type but you should be alright when you edit with notepad ++. if you want you can send me ur common.php file and i have a look.
i am not going to explain what utf8-without bom is, you can easily google that ;)
PATRICKDAVIS wrote:Sorry to sound really dumb, but could you give alittle more information to explain to someone as dumb as me what your saying in the above statements!!
Table 'usc.phpbb_6announcement_centre' doesn't exist
This indicates to me that when you set up your database you chose for some reason to change the prefix from phpbb_ to phpbb_6.

If you run the SQL statement in e.g. phpMyAdmin, you will need to change in the sql statement anything that says phpbb_ to phpbb_6, e.g.

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_announcement_centre ( ...
should be

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_6announcement_centre (
and so on.
hope this helps
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by zalon »


Got it. Had some errors due to common.php.

After switching from Windows-Notepad to another tool, it worked.

Great mod!
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by jaason »

it's me again and my postgre sql database.
I finally created a table, here's my changes in code:

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_announcement_centre (
  announcement_show smallint NOT NULL,
  announcement_enable_guests smallint NOT NULL,
  announcement_show_birthdays smallint NOT NULL,
  announcement_birthday_avatar smallint NOT NULL,
  announcement_draft text NOT NULL,
  announcement_draft_bbcode_uid varchar(8) NOT NULL,
  announcement_draft_bbcode_bitfield varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  announcement_draft_bbcode_options int NOT NULL,
  announcement_text text NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_bbcode_uid varchar(8) NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_bbcode_bitfield varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_bbcode_options int NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_guests text NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_guests_bbcode_uid varchar(8) NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_guests_bbcode_bitfield varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  announcement_text_guests_bbcode_options int NOT NULL,
  announcement_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  announcement_title_guests varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  announcement_show_group varchar(255) NOT NULL default '');
after Icopy all the files with the description from xml file.
everything for now looking good .
I have customize subsilver version so I put <!-- INCLUDE announcement_centre.html -->
in different place.
After installing I delete cache, refresh site and see how it gonna look on my page, but it wont appear;/
after few changes and tries,and it still not appearing on my site. Don't know why...
this is how it look under admin page:

and how it look into my database( maybe something here is broken, because I add some data manually)
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by lefty74 »

hello jaason,
thanks for the detailed description, makes life easier :)

having said that, i am not sure why it does not show as everything appears to look ok. :roll: you did copy the announcement_centre.html to the styles folder of the style you are using, right? what i mean is, instead of copying it into the subsilver2 style, copy it in your style version.

one thing you could check is if it works in prosilver when doing the edits as per installation instructions.

If all fails, would it be possible to set up a testboard or even a test account with temp ftp access so i can have a look myself?
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by 'Christa »

pjjacobs wrote:I installed this correctly, working in the ACP, SQL done, but it doesnt matter what i enter in the text boxes or what options i select, nothing displays on the index?

[...]it says "Updated Succesfull" in the ACP but nothing happens, help?
I have exactly the same problem. Even if it says "Updated Successful", nothing happens, both on the index and on the ACP Annoucement Center (text boxes are still empty).

edit : Forget it. There was an error in my database.

edit : DON'T forget it T_T I have a SQL error, I'll try to read the subject and see if there is something to help me, I'll edit my post later If I find the mistake.

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'announcement_text_guests_bbcode_options' at row 1 [1366]


UPDATE phpbb3_announcement_centre SET announcement_enable_guests = 0, announcement_show = 1, announcement_show_birthdays = 0, announcement_birthday_avatar = 0, announcement_title = 'Site Announcements', announcement_text = '[...]', announcement_draft_bbcode_uid = '166461jt', announcement_draft_bbcode_bitfield = 'YgQ=', announcement_draft_bbcode_options = '7', announcement_title_guests = '', announcement_text_guests = '', announcement_text_guests_bbcode_uid = '', announcement_text_guests_bbcode_bitfield = '', announcement_text_guests_bbcode_options = '', announcement_show_group = ''


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 158
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_announcements_centre.php
LINE: 99
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 471
CALL: acp_announcements_centre->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()
last edit : Well, now it works and I don't know why x_X
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by jaason »

lefty74 wrote:hello jaason,
thanks for the detailed description, makes life easier :)

having said that, i am not sure why it does not show as everything appears to look ok. :roll: you did copy the announcement_centre.html to the styles folder of the style you are using, right? what i mean is, instead of copying it into the subsilver2 style, copy it in your style version.

one thing you could check is if it works in prosilver when doing the edits as per installation instructions.

If all fails, would it be possible to set up a testboard or even a test account with temp ftp access so i can have a look myself?
yes I did a copy almost everywhere :P
I have some problems with prosilver template that's why maybe I will check that later. I think it's coding error, but I'll check that later too:/
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by JezUK1 »

Hi, Can anyone help me.. Im trying to install this mod but with the "SQL" I'm having a prob. When I put in the code for the SQL I get this up. Can anyone please help?

Code: Select all

SQL query: 

CREATE TABLE phpbb_announcement_centre(

announcement_show tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_enable_guests tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_show_birthdays tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_birthday_avatar tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_draft text NOT NULL ,
announcement_draft_bbcode_uid varchar( 8 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_draft_bbcode_bitfield varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_draft_bbcode_options mediumint( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text text NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_bbcode_uid varchar( 8 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_bbcode_bitfield varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_bbcode_options mediumint( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_guests text NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_guests_bbcode_uid varchar( 8 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_guests_bbcode_bitfield varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_text_guests_bbcode_options mediumint( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
announcement_title varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
announcement_title_guests varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
announcement_show_group varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default ''
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

MySQL said:  

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'COLLATE utf8_bin' at line 21 
Dont know if it helps but Im testing this out befor I install it on my LIVE board. Im trying to get it woorking on my localhost board. (Just so I can test it first and to make sure I dont mess up my liveboard when installing it lol)
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by lefty74 »

hi, seems that some databases dont like the CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

try to leave out CHARACTER SET utf8
or if that does not work
the whole
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by JezUK1 »

Sorry I'm a little new at installing mods and playing with SQL. Can you put up what it should be then with out the CHARACTER SET utf8 which you said plz?
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by Desdenova »

lefty74 wrote:hi, seems that some databases dont like the CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

try to leave out CHARACTER SET utf8
or if that does not work
the whole
I think it's when MySQL is older than version 4.1...not sure of the exact version though.
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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by kozata-xakep »

Hello everyone !

I just installed the MOD and I got a problem. Everything seems to be ok with the installation but i don't see The Global Annoucements.

Anyone got an idea ?

Thank you in advance

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Re: ACP Announcement Centre

Post by kozata-xakep »

kozata-xakep wrote:Hello everyone !

I just installed the MOD and I got a problem. Everything seems to be ok with the installation but i don't see The Global Annoucements.

The GA can't be seen either in the Prosilver style

Anyone got an idea ?
Thank you in advance

- the goat hacker
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