Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_MOOD --><br /><b>{L_MOOD}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_MOOD_IMG}<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><br /><b>{L_JOINED}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><br /><b>{L_POSTS}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->
I do not see this message when I download this MOD.Jan Christensen wrote:In the install.xml file under "Other Notes" it's stated that "This MOD is development quality. It is not recommended that you install it on a live forum."
I think it's a mistake, and not a big one, but I thought I'd mention it.
What is your custom template based on? prosilver or subsilver?zakwan wrote:is this work? i mean i using custom template..