Customisation Database

These smilies are still the normal phpBB style but have a soft haze over them instead if a hard bevel
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by aiwebs

3.0.x Style
32 Aqua Style smilies
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by aiwebs

3.0.x Style
phpBB styler smilies sunburt or tomatoe red
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by aiwebs

3.0.x Style
New set of 32 soft grey smilies
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by aiwebs

3.0.x Style
Teal Balls Ranks
Teal balls for light backgrounds, my first attempt, but very nice!
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by octoberthehottie

3.0.x Style
Clover Leaf Ranks
Clover leaf rankings, for any Irish theme forum/board. 0-5, administrator and moderator
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by proper_bo

3.0.x Style
120 funny and good-looking smilies
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by tomte

3.0.x Style
Starcraft-Broodwar Rank System
I just figured that there are some Starcraft clans out there that have forums to. So I made this Starcraft ranking system. Comes with 5 ranks , mod , admin, and spammer rank.
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by NaK

3.0.x Style
Mini Icons w/ Transparent Corners
These icons look exactly the same as the mini subsilver icons for faq, search, memberlist, usergroups, profile, etc. but these have transparent corners and will look better against non-white backgrounds. Includes 2 additional icons for the Animat…
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by vHiker

3.0.4 Style
Tao/Yin Yang Ranks
Rank Images with yin-yang symbols. Seven different levels, come in three flavors (transparency for white background, gray background and black background).
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by Kail

3.0.x Style
Avatar Pack 1 (1/2)
580 avatars. first part.
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by Styles Robot

3.0.x Style
Avatar Pack 1 (2/2)
580 avatars. second part.
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by Styles Robot

3.0.x Style
XMAS smiles
Smiles for XMAS
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by bog_tom

3.0.x Style
XMAS rank
Christmas Rank Images.
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by bog_tom

3.0.x Style
mxRed ranks , Form star, 7 Level and 5 special .
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by Cyber-Julien

3.0.x Style
Image of row based on Real TV, StarAcademy French
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by Cyber-Julien

3.0.x Style
Bar Ranks
this is ranks for light background
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by totoelectro

3.0.x Style
Pen Ranks
Pen Ranks
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by totoelectro

3.0.x Style
Thugs Avatar Pack
Use these avatars for whatever your wish for. But to let you, they are here to download usally for avatar galleries.
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by FlAmEtHrOwEr

3.0.x Style
UT2003 Avatar-Pack
The avatar-pack contains all 48 characters of Unreal Tournament 2003 at 64x64 pixels.
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by deutschmaschine

3.0.x Style
KMFDM Avatar-Pack
This avatar-pack contains 33 front covers of all released albums, of the electro-combo KMFDM around lead singer Sascha Konietzko. 64x64 and 100x100 pixels.
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by deutschmaschine

3.0.x Style
Fearless' Unreal Tournament avatars
This is a series of 79 100x100px avatars of character's taken from Epic's classic FPS, Unreal Tournament.
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by Fearless

3.0.x Style
Transparent Smilies
A bunch of smilies with transparent background.
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by trenzterra

3.0.x Style
South Park Avatars
South Park Carachters - 122 80x80 pxl GIF
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by felham

3.0.x Style