A collection of 10 avatars 150 wide by 100 high. These avartars are used on the m web site that is dedicated to the Subaru Impreza... phpbb is used as the forum on the site.
5 with gold bars, 5 with silver. Should be fine on any lighter background. I'm using the gold bars for my moderators, translation team, etc., and the silver for regular members.
Here's a set of rank images (admin, mod, 1-12) for the phpBB theme ashFuel. These are NOT copyright the author of the ashFuel theme but the color scheme is BASED upon the ashFuel phpBB theme.
This file includes 3 new icons. They are for black templates. They are black and gold/yellow. They look nice in the subBlack template. They are the Printer Icon, Shop Icon, and Watched Topics Icon