Project Durango - Clean dark style based on Xbox dashboard look with Xbox One colour palette. Available in two view options Tiles and List view. Style has few index page display options that can be configured in the overall_header.html file.
A phpBB-child-style with color combinations in white, gray and blue. The standard icons from Prosilver are used. In addition to credits, readme.txt also explains the style history.
My special thanks go to John Olson (jrolson), style author of the …
Prosilver-based style using the colors of Ubuntu 10.04's default desktop theme. Like the other Ubuntu-related style from which this style derived, two panels replace prosilver's navbars.
Available in several languages using Latin alphabet. The st…
[EN] This language pack allows you to fully translate your phpBB board into Estonian.
[ET] See keelefail võimaldab sul teha oma phpBB foorum täielikult eestikeelseks.
This language pack allows you to fully localise your phpBB board into Catalan.
Aquest paquet d'idioma us permet utilitzar la versió catalana del phpBB per al vostre fòrum.
A blue colored phpBB3 prosilver based style with no corners and fixed with.
Template inheritance
SE Square supports full template inheritance.
Back to Daddy
Once again I am author of the SE Square style.
A big thanks to *Daniel who has maintai…
欢迎下载支持简体中文的 phpBB
Welcome to download the Simplified Chinese language pack for phpBB.
如果要下载包括中文简体语言包的完整安装包,请到“phpBB 简体中文支持社区”或者 “Demo”网站下载
Use the download links from
Style BlackBoard for PhpBB 3.2.8 / 3.3.x
Style name : BlackBoard
Style version : 3.4.4
Style Base : Prosilver
Style description : simple, Fluid
Language : Fr - En
Colors : Black and gray
Width : …
Olá falantes da língua de Camões.
Têm aqui os pacotes completos para terem o vosso Fórum
phpBB 3.1 Ascraeus , phpBB 3.2 Rhea e phpBB 3.3 Proteus em português europeu.
Caso procurem a tradução para o phpBB 3.0 Olympus , visto que o…
Versión coloquial (tú) del paquete de idioma español (de España) /
Casual Honorifics version of the Spanish (of Spain) version
How to Install a Language Pack
This page contains the stable versions of the French language packs compatible with the stable versions of the phpBB forum software to fully localise the interface into French.
You are free to report issues on GitHub . You can also re…
This page contains the stable versions of the American language packs compatible with the stable versions of the phpBB forum software to fully americanize the board interface.
Instructions for installing a language pack are available here .
phpBB în Română
Romanian Translation for phpBB3
Traducere în Română pentru phpBB3
## Authors / Autori:
Anișor Neculai (aka Anișor)
## Past Contributors / Contribuitori anteriori:
Florin C Bodin (aka orynider),
QuickInstall is a tool we built to support the community of phpBB extension developers (and previously MOD authors). It simplifies and accelerates the process of creating and configuring local phpBB3 forum installations. These boards can then be u…