plugin protects your outbound links in comments and post (configurable) by replacing them with safe links. Once a visitor clicks on a replaced link, he will be directed to a special interstitial page on . analyzes the targe…
All features of the MOD :
Stops spam bots registrations.
Stops spam bots posts.
Guest posting on the forum without CAPTCHA.
Invisible antispam without CAPTCHA, questions, puzzles, counting animals, math and etc.
iPhone , Android app…
This mod force member to introduce himself into a specific forum before beeing able to post everywhere into the forum.
Permission to let administrator manage the Introduciator MOD or not.
Possibility to configure user permission fr…
The mod allows you to quickly create forms which can then be use by your members to post using a form instead of the usual text method. The mod is ideal for forums dealing with reviews, bug reports, requests etc...
When posting a new post in a …
This is a style created for visually impaired, essentially in black & white, with good contrast and large texts. It is not very beautiful but efficient.
In english and french.
The STK provides a second "Administration Control Panel" that can be used to recover various part of a corrupted phpBB 3.0.x installation or to solve commonly encountered problems with the software.
More information on the Support Toolkit, incl…
Topic Preview 2 Is All New!
This is a MOD for phpBB3 that will display a short excerpt of text from the first post of a topic when the user hovers their mouse over the topic's title. The default mode uses the browser's built-in tooltip. The a…
So Hello everyone,
Recently I created the topic author to 3.0.12 and 3.0.13 I know there has been such but is 3.1
Supports AutoMods
And this is ... Basically this mod is very simple and I the think is easy to install
Hope you enjoy the mod!
Good …
Traducción al español mexicano gracias a la colaboración de HuanManwe y charkleons por versiones anteriores.
Mexican spanish translation thanks to the collaboration of HuanManwe and charkleons for past versions.
Important Read This
Dark Prosilver based style with 7 color options. Fixed width of 960px with full width container or sidebar.
Special thanks to Vinny for helping fix a few things