A phpBB-Child-Design with predominant colour combinations in white, grey and numerous accents in blue as well as an image slideshow in the headerbar area. This is equipped with four graphics. The standard icons of Prosilver are used.
Possible link…
The Skeleton Extension is a tool for extension developers. Its purpose is to kick start your extension development projects.
What is a skeleton? It’s a working boiler-plate extension. When you want to begin development on an extension, creating a…
A blue colored phpBB3 prosilver based style with no corners and fixed with.
Template inheritance
SE Square supports full template inheritance.
Back to Daddy
Once again I am author of the SE Square style.
A big thanks to *Daniel who has maintai…
Our style will appeal to all who love SUBSILVER2. If you have the SUBSILVER2 style - you know about the problems of extensions and this style. We recommend you to install our style Allan SUBSILVER Style as it is based on the style prosil…
New, nice style in bright colors with glow effect. Color style mostly white, light blue, dark blue. User Profiles on the left. Style is compatible with many extensions.
Новый, приятный стиль в светлых тонах с эффектом свечения. Цвет стиля преимуще…
欢迎下载支持简体中文的 phpBB
Welcome to download the Simplified Chinese language pack for phpBB.
如果要下载包括中文简体语言包的完整安装包,请到“phpBB 简体中文支持社区”或者 “Demo”网站下载
Use the download links from phpBB.com
Coffee themed style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
* Buy me a coffee
* Hire me for your phpBB board.
* Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB bo…
Elegant style for based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
* Buy me a coffee
* Hire me for your phpBB board.
* Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB board like an app!
Need the style cust…
Flat design.
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific style sheet.
Dominant colors, blue / light grey / white.
Icons folders replaced by vectorial images (svg)
Social links in footer.
All color variations (until proflat 1.3.13) available o…
Olá falantes da língua de Camões.
Têm aqui os pacotes completos para terem o vosso Fórum
phpBB 3.1 Ascraeus , phpBB 3.2 Rhea e phpBB 3.3 Proteus em português europeu.
Caso procurem a tradução para o phpBB 3.0 Olympus , visto que o…
Versión coloquial (tú) del paquete de idioma español (de España) /
Casual Honorifics version of the Spanish (of Spain) version
How to Install a Language Pack
This page contains the stable versions of the French language packs compatible with the stable versions of the phpBB forum software to fully localise the interface into French.
You are free to report issues on GitHub . You can also re…
This page contains the stable versions of the American language packs compatible with the stable versions of the phpBB forum software to fully americanize the board interface.
Instructions for installing a language pack are available here .
phpBB în Română
Romanian Translation for phpBB3
Traducere în Română pentru phpBB3
## Authors / Autori:
Anișor Neculai (aka Anișor)
## Past Contributors / Contribuitori anteriori:
Florin C Bodin (aka orynider),
QuickInstall is a tool we built to support the community of phpBB extension developers (and previously MOD authors). It simplifies and accelerates the process of creating and configuring local phpBB3 forum installations. These boards can then be u…
This language pack allows you to fully localise your phpBB board into Turkish.
Installation Guide
Update Guide
Bu dil paketi phpBB mesaj panonuzun dilini tamamen Türkçe yapmanıza olanak sağlar.
Kurulum Rehberi
В данном архиве вы найдёте необходимые файлы для русификации вашей конференции phpBB.
Скачайте архив. Внутри архива вы обнаружите две папки:
/language - набор языковых файлов (переведённые термины)
/styles - набор переведённых кнопок-изображ…
This language pack allows you to fully localise your phpBB board into German with formal honorifics.
Dieses Sprachpaket ermöglicht dir, phpBB komplett in deutscher Sprache (Sie-Form) zu nutzen.
This language pack allows you to fully localise your phpBB board into German with casual honorifics.
Dieses Sprachpaket ermöglicht dir, phpBB komplett in deutscher Sprache (Du-Form) zu nutzen.