Customisation Database

Slovenský preklad phpBB3. Slovak translation of phpBB3.

by Senky

3.3.1 3.2.11 3.1.11 3.0.12 Language Pack
Username History
Shows a user's previous usernames on his/her profile (Depends on user log)
No screenshot

by Token07

3.1.9 Extension
Google Analytics
An official phpBB Extension that allows administrators to easily add Google Analytics to their phpBB forum. This extension adds a config field to the Board Settings panel where you can enter your Google Analytics property tracking ID. This will a…
No screenshot

by Extensions Dev Robot

3.3.2 3.2.11 3.1.11 Extension
Error pages
Error Pages enables Custom Error Pages in your forum. Optionally with a explanation. It is also possible to log errors in Maintenance error log so you can look at the problems. Features : - Errors in your mother language - Logging - Logging of…
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
Prune Logs
An extension for phpBB 3.1 that will prune your logs after a configurable timespan. In admin log you will find how many logs are pruned.
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
Referrer displays an overview of referrer logs in Maintenance module of ACP. This extension logs all referrers it finds and keep track of hits, first visit and last visit. A cron job can prune the referrers after a configurable time.
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
SE Square Left
A dark blue colored phpBB3 prosilver based style with no corners and profiles to the left. Template inheritance SE Square Left supports full template inheritance.…
SE Square Left

by Stoker 4.0

3.2.0 3.1.9 3.0.12 Style
Version 3.3.2 for phpBB 3.3.4 download 3.2.11 for phpBB 3.2.10 download 3.1.10 for phpBB 3.1.10 download Child Styles pbWoW 3.2.11 Base style pbWoW 3.2.9 BattleCry pbWoW 3.2.9 Garrison pbWoW 3.2.9 He…

by Sajaki

3.3.4 3.2.11 3.1.10 Style
Auto Ban
Add ability to ban users after N number of board wide warnings Features: ACP: - Activate Auto Ban - Warnings Ban Limit - Auto Ban duration - Auto Ban reason
No screenshot

by Satanasov

3.2.0 3.1.2 Extension
Delete my registration
Allows users to delete their own account.
Delete my registration

by KillBill.

3.1.5 Extension
Cron Status
This extension allows you to see the status of Cron and Cron tasks and to run ready Cron tasks. Features: - A special page for displaying Cron Status. - Cron Status Notice on the main ACP page if Cron is locked. - Ability to see last tas…
Cron Status

by LavIgor

3.1.4 Extension
Reset Login Attempts
Adds an Admin option to reset a user's login attempts
Reset Login Attempts

by david63

3.1.3 Extension
Rainbow Stripes Bar Ranks
100 different bars! I was looking for something like this, but I found nothing, so I created those rank bars myself, using GIMP. The .xcf files are included, so you can change whatever you want. 1.0.0 - red bars (currently 3) for banned …
Rainbow Stripes Bar Ranks

by ToBeFree

3.1.x Style
BB3 Mobi Style
Lightweight style for mobil with low resolution display and low speed data transmission. INSTALL: Extension auto detect
BB3 Mobi Style

by [email protected]

3.1.10 Style
Here you can find the Hebrew language pack for phpBB. If you have any questions you can get help in our hebrew support site כאן ניתן למצוא את חבילת השפה העברית למערכת phpBB. אם יש לך שאלות או שאתה זקוק לתמיכה בנושא חבילת השפה העברית או המערכת ב…

by ShaharTemp

3.3.10 3.2.5 3.1.10 3.0.12 Language Pack
Dark style with digital theme for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options. Only 3.2.x and 3.3.x versions Style come with 6 color variations : Digi (default) Digi Red (Gray / red color sch…

by Arty

3.3.2 3.2.11 3.1.9 Style
Coffee themed style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options. * Buy me a coffee * Hire me for your phpBB board. * Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB bo…

by Arty

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.9 Style
MOB add Active Topics link on viewtopic tools
Display View Active Topics link in the footer Tool Drop-Down in viewtopic page only.
MOB add Active Topics link on viewtopic tools

by M.O.B.

3.1.3 Extension
Serbian (Latin Script)
Odavde možete preuzeti Srpski prevod za phpBB. Instalacija Raspakujte preuzeti fajl na Vaš računar. Zatim raspakovane fajlove treba FTP programom prebaciti na hosting server. Dakle, potrebno je prebaciti dva foldera - language i styles p…
Serbian (Latin Script)

by simke

3.3.9 3.1.10 3.0.11 Language Pack
User Ranks
Displays a list of user ranks and the members in that rank Features: Option to not list members for members Option to not list "special" ranks Option to ignore bots Option to only list members for Admins Option to list specia…
User Ranks

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
Simple Portal
A simple Portal page with acp control to disable/enable and portal text, viewonline status. Based on Crizzos about us page.…
Simple Portal

by Stoker 4.0

3.1.5 Extension
Brazilian Portuguese
Este pacote de idioma lhe permite traduzir completamente o seu phpBB para o Português Brasileiro. Como instalo o pacote de idioma? Como ativo o pacote de idioma? Como torno o pacote de idioma Português do Brasil padrão? Esta tradução …
Brazilian Portuguese

by _Vinny_

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.11 3.0.14 Language Pack
Obscure Contact Us
Shows an ACP configurable mailto link in a form that makes it less SPAMable than the Contact Us page in the phpBB3.1.x package. There is a switch to allow you to choose between this extension and the inbuilt Contact Us form (the switch action is d…
Obscure Contact Us

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Playstation 4 colors based and designed. Black, blue and grey style. Template inheritance on prosilver style. Easy to update ! Dedicated stylesheet.

by Jester-fr

3.1.10 Style