This Style is a new rebuilt from the Style Reds from Culprit .
This style was rebuilt on the basis of Prosilver phpbb 3.3.2.
In the footer area, the original style has been pointed out and linked.
A phpBB-child-style with color combinations in white, gray and blue. The standard icons from Prosilver are used. In addition to credits, readme.txt also explains the style history.
My special thanks go to John Olson (jrolson), style author of the …
Version 1.1.9 will work on phpBB 3.3.10
Clean, modern, light and mobile friendly style with most of the images replaced by FontAwesome icons.
Like my work? Consider donating . Every donation is appreciated.
New version of phpbb arrived ? The …
Version 2.2.7 will work on phpBB 3.3.10
Based on prosilver style and inspired by material design.
Like my work? Consider donating . Every donation is appreciated.
New version of phpbb arrived ? The style isn't validated for it yet? Go here …
Version 3.2.8 will work on phpBB 3.3.10
If you are updating from earlier version to 3.1.7 or 3.2.1 Please purge the board cache in ACP after updating the style
This is an overhaul of the Hexagon style available on the CDB . …
Hello all,
New version ChesterBlue style updated by Mannix_ for phpBB 3.3.x
Style name: ChesterBlue
Style Base: Prosilver
Style description: Fluid style and easy to change.
Languages: Fr - En
Colors: Blue and g…
Description of the Style: A style that is kept in light and dark tones.
The logo should have a minimum of 1200px, so that it is not spread out and harmonizes with the forum.
As of version phpBB 3.2.0 there are three different header views.
The ma…
Graand New is originally from phpBB 3.0 and was named Graand (Red).
The header area and the overview were mostly taken over.
According to author Abhishek Srivastava, I am allowed to do what I want with the style.
All graphics were renewed or remov…
Do you remember the glory days of the personal home pages of the mid 1990s?
Geocities, Angelfire, Tripod, Myspace..... names that (for those that remember) bring back memories of glitter text, animated gifs, and all manner of tasteless design and…
This is a port of AcidTech for phpBB3.2. It stays as faithful to the original as possible, but is now based on prosilver rather than the old outdated subsilver so is fully responsive for all screen sizes.
A dark theme with bold yellow inspired by the world famous now defunkt Haçienda nightclub.
A set of replacement smilies for dark themes (made by Camm15h) can be found here: just upload t…
Modern style with a boxy look and minimal colour palette. Inspired in large part by a certain new OS.
Now updated for phpBB3.2 with the choice of the following colours:
Original hot pink
A clean and uncluttered light style based on prosilver
Sticky header, can be switched on/off
Round or square avatars
Social icons, can be switched on/off and linked to your profile/page
Custom social icons, configurable icon, can be switched…
Dark style with digital theme for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
Only 3.2.x and 3.3.x versions
Style come with 6 color variations :
Digi (default)
Digi Red (Gray / red color sch…
Coffee themed style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
* Buy me a coffee
* Hire me for your phpBB board.
* Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB bo…
Description of the style: Black with fog (looks almost like an image behind plexiglass), silver-gray and a little bit red.
All icons are gradient icons(In IE they are displayed unicoloured)
The style has a special thick, silver/white border
Este pacote de idioma lhe permite traduzir completamente o seu phpBB para o Português Brasileiro.
Como instalo o pacote de idioma?
Como ativo o pacote de idioma?
Como torno o pacote de idioma Português do Brasil padrão?
Esta tradução …
The Skeleton Extension is a tool for extension developers. Its purpose is to kick start your extension development projects.
What is a skeleton? It’s a working boiler-plate extension. When you want to begin development on an extension, creating a…