Customisation Database

[EN] This language pack allows you to fully translate your phpBB board into Estonian. [ET] See keelefail võimaldab sul teha oma phpBB foorum täielikult eestikeelseks.

by Exabot

3.3.14 3.2.9 3.1.11 3.0.14 Language Pack
This language pack allows you to fully localise your phpBB board into Catalan. Aquest paquet d'idioma us permet utilitzar la versió catalana del phpBB per al vostre fòrum.

by xEik

3.3.14 3.2.10 3.1.11 3.0.13-pl1 Language Pack
My Christmas design in earthy tones and golden colors. I created graphics myself. A pretty hover effect in the footer also creates a Christmas mood in what I think is a beautiful time of the year. You can find the style history in the readme.txt. …

by Prosk8er

3.3.14 Style
Prosilver-esque style recreated with the use of bootstrap framework. Can be used as a base and modified by applying existing bootstrap themes. Warning This style does not inherit from prosilver thus most likely some of the extension will …

by Mannix_

3.3.14 Style
Version 1.1.9 will work on phpBB 3.3.10 Clean, modern, light and mobile friendly style with most of the images replaced by FontAwesome icons. Like my work? Consider donating . Every donation is appreciated. New version of phpbb arrived ? The …

by Mannix_

3.3.14 3.2.10 Style
Project Durango
Project Durango - Clean dark style based on Xbox dashboard look with Xbox One colour palette. Available in two view options Tiles and List view. Style has few index page display options that can be configured in the overall_header.html file. Feat…
Project Durango

by Mannix_

3.3.14 3.2.10 Style
phpBB Skeleton Extension
The Skeleton Extension is a tool for extension developers. Its purpose is to kick start your extension development projects. What is a skeleton? It’s a working boiler-plate extension. When you want to begin development on an extension, creating a…
No screenshot

by Extensions Robot

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.11 Official Tool
SE Square
A blue colored phpBB3 prosilver based style with no corners and fixed with. Template inheritance SE Square supports full template inheritance. Back to Daddy Once again I am author of the SE Square style. A big thanks to *Daniel who has maintai…
SE Square

by Stoker 4.0

3.3.14 3.2.0 3.1.9 3.0.12 Style
Stasis Leak
A clean style taking inspiration from the hit TV comedy show Red Dwarf
Stasis Leak

by eeji

3.3.14 Style
A clean and uncluttered light style based on prosilver Sticky header, can be switched on/off Round or square avatars Social icons, can be switched on/off and linked to your profile/page Custom social icons, configurable icon, can be switched…

by eeji

3.3.14 3.2.9 Style
Do you remember the glory days of the personal home pages of the mid 1990s? Geocities, Angelfire, Tripod, Myspace..... names that (for those that remember) bring back memories of glitter text, animated gifs, and all manner of tasteless design and…

by eeji

3.3.14 3.2.9 Style
Style Name: FarmingPro Description: FarmingPro is a phpBB forum style inspired by the popular game Farming Simulator. This style provides a fresh and attractive design, perfect for gaming communities related to farming simulators. Key Featu…

by NecheB

3.3.14 Style
Style Name: ColoredLight Author: NecheB Style Description: A simple Volare -based style from MYBB. Any bugs report here in the topic or HERE . Style Version: 3.3.13 phpBB Version: 3.3.13 Demo URL: Click here…

by NecheB

3.3.14 Style
League Of Legends
Style Name: League Of Legends Author: NecheB Style Description: League Of Legends Gaming dark style Any bugs report here in the topic or HERE .
League Of Legends

by NecheB

3.3.14 Style
Allan Style - SUBSILVER
Hello. Our style will appeal to all who love SUBSILVER2. If you have the SUBSILVER2 style - you know about the problems of extensions and this style. We recommend you to install our style Allan SUBSILVER Style as it is based on the style prosil…
Allan Style - SUBSILVER

by Allan_Style

3.3.14 3.2.9 3.1.11 Style
Allan Style - ShadowGlow
New, nice style in bright colors with glow effect. Color style mostly white, light blue, dark blue. User Profiles on the left. Style is compatible with many extensions. Новый, приятный стиль в светлых тонах с эффектом свечения. Цвет стиля преимуще…
Allan Style - ShadowGlow

by Allan_Style

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.11 Style
A phpBB-child-style with color combinations in white, gray and blue. The standard icons from Prosilver are used. In addition to credits, readme.txt also explains the style history. My special thanks go to John Olson (jrolson), style author of the …

by Prosk8er

3.3.14 Style
A phpBB forum style for musicians and / or music lovers, recording studios or for acousticians or for discussions in a loudspeaker forum and so on ... - in the colors black, gray and blue. Credits: Please note the information in the readme.txt as…

by Prosk8er

3.3.14 Style
A phpBB-Child-Design with predominant colour combinations in white, grey and numerous accents in blue as well as an image slideshow in the headerbar area. This is equipped with four graphics. The standard icons of Prosilver are used. Possible link…

by Prosk8er

3.3.14 Style
Polski pakiet językowy dla phpBB autorstwa zespołu Polskie tłumaczenie phpBB3 autorstwa ekipy phpBB3.PL

by vader696

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.12 3.0.11 Language Pack
Italian phpBB translation.

by alex75

3.3.14 3.2.10 3.1.11 3.0.14 Language Pack
Mandarin Chinese (Simplified Script)
欢迎下载支持简体中文的 phpBB Welcome to download the Simplified Chinese language pack for phpBB. 右侧的下载链接是纯简体中文语言包。 如果要下载包括中文简体语言包的完整安装包,请到“phpBB 简体中文支持社区”或者 “Demo”网站下载 参考链接: Use the download links from
Mandarin Chinese (Simplified Script)

by davidyin

3.3.14 3.2.11 3.1.12 3.0.14 Language Pack
Expanding Text
With this BBcode you can create a text which reveals on click another text behind the clickable text both textes can be modified If you want to rename the function (right now it is [htext] you can just replace htext with whatever you want!
Expanding Text

by Zevil_Dev

3.3.x Custom BBCode
A phpBB child design in gold and burgundy elements. The design is partially transparent and also has earthy colors. The color-coordinated forum icons created by me are set in the forum operation in a size of 42px. The online feature is controlled …

by Prosk8er

3.3.14 Style