Author Profile - davidyin

davidyin - Contributions

Mandarin Chinese (Simplified Script)
欢迎下载支持简体中文的 phpBB Welcome to download the Simplified Chinese language pack for phpBB. 右侧的下载链接是纯简体中文语言包。 如果要下载包括中文简体语言包的完整安装包,请到“phpBB 简体中文支持社区”或者 “Demo”网站下载 参考链接: Use the download links from
Mandarin Chinese (Simplified Script)

by davidyin

3.3.13 3.2.11 3.1.12 3.0.14 Language Pack
Simple CDN
Service static files, such as css, js files, from CDN. Features: Support styles css and js files, but not including forum_fn.js and ajax.js Support User Rank images Support User Avatar Support the smilies which are shown in the p…
Simple CDN

by davidyin

3.2.8 Extension