Author Profile - HiFiKabin

HiFiKabin - Contributions

Amazon Affiliate
Adds the ability to add your own Amazon Affiliate code the following Amazon or Amzn TLD links posted on your forum. You only need to enter one Affiliate Code per TLD, the extension automatically adds it to both amazon and amzn. Any existing Affili…
Amazon Affiliate

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
Analogue Clock
Adds an Analogue Clock to the NavBar of the forum. The time shown is taken from your computers time so therefore needs no settings to be applied. Language: n/a Extension Version: 1.0.6 Supported Styles: Prosilver It has…
Analogue Clock

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
April Falls
Extension Name: April Falls Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Makes the index page of your board look broken and out of alignment. All of the links will work as they should. Extension Version: 3.2.0 Sup…
April Falls

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
April Fool (Text Terror)
Extension Name: April Fool (Text Terror) Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: When hovering over the text in View Topic and when viewing PM's the text is inverted and gradually fades out over 2 seconds. Normality is re…
No screenshot

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 Extension
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)
Extension Name: April Fools Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds flies and/or spiders crawling over the index page of your forum. Drive your users mad Based On: Bug by Graham McNicoll Live Demo: …
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 Extension
Attachment Fluff Buster
Extension Name: Attachment Fluff Buster Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Removes the Name, File Size and Download Count from attachments. Extension Version: 3.2.0 Language: NA Supported Styles: …
Attachment Fluff Buster

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Birthday List On Top
Moves the birthday list from the bottom of the forum to the top Extension Version: 1.0.5 Supported Styles: prosilver Installation: Download the latest release and unzip it. Upload the the folder hifikabin to roo…
Birthday List On Top

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.10 Extension
Fred The Bat (Cursor Follower)
The bat follows the cursor around the screen, just right for Halloween. If the user has JS disabled then Fred will not work and is hidden from view. Extension Version: 1.0.2 Supported Styles: Prosilver Live Demo: HERE…
Fred The Bat (Cursor Follower)

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
Google Search
Adds a Google Search box to your Forum. The responsive style uses the default 'Advanced Search' Icon to access the Advanced Search where the Google Search is also available. The Admin can choose whether the search appears in the Header, Navbar…
Google Search

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
Extension Name: gTranslate Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds gTranslate to your board. This is a replacement for my Google Translator whose code is now at its end of life Limitations: This extension p…

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 Extension
Header banner
Extension Description: Removes the content of the header replacing it with a banner of your choice that scales to the browser window. Undersized banners are centred on wide browser windows. The search (if enabled) can be placed on the header…
Header banner

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Header Link
Adds links at the top of the forum. You can add FA icons, colour the button, add shadow, control who has access to the link and more. Unused links do not appear as blank spaces as they are all aligned to the left (right in rtl languages) You can …
Header Link

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Hide Newest User And Statistics Permissions
Extension Description: Hides the Newest User from the STATISTICS block at the foot of the forum. You also have full control over who can view the STATISTICS and WHO IS ONLINE information. Language: en Additional Language Pack ar…
Hide Newest User And Statistics Permissions

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Large Font
Extension Description: Allows the user to increase the font size up to ~400% of the default and/or make all the font bold. There is a separate size selection for mobile devices should you wish. Language: EN Additional Language Pack…
Large Font

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Memorial Ribbon
Extension Name: Memorial Ribbon Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds a Black Memorial Ribbon over your boards logo Language: n/a Extension Version: 3.3.0 Requirements: phpBB 3.3.0@dev and late…
Memorial Ribbon

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 Extension
Moon Phase
Extension Description: Adds the phases of the moon to your forum header. There is a UCP switch to rotate the moon image by 180 degrees for those in the Southern Hemisphere Note: The dynamic image of the moon is ©…
Moon Phase

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.12 Extension
NavBar Search
Moves the phpBB search from the header to the navbar. Automatic rtl switching Language: n/a Styles: prosilver and most styles inheriting from prosilver Additional Styles: Download Here we_universal Black-Silver-…
NavBar Search

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
News Scroll
Adds a scrolling text under the breadcrumbs of your forum. It can be configured to appear on all pages or just on the Index Page and/or for members only. You can preview the scrolling text in the ACP before displaying it on the forum. Special Char…
News Scroll

by HiFiKabin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Obscure Contact Us
Shows an ACP configurable mailto link in a form that makes it less SPAMable than the Contact Us page in the phpBB3.1.x package. There is a switch to allow you to choose between this extension and the inbuilt Contact Us form (the switch action is d…
Obscure Contact Us

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Quoted Image as Thumbnail
Shrinks quoted images down to a height of 100 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. It only works with linked images (those using the [img] tag) It does not effect attached images. Language: n/a Supported Styles: prosilver a…
Quoted Image as Thumbnail

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.10 Extension
Right Header Image
Extension Description: Adds the ability to add a clickable image to the Right Hand Side (or LHS for RTL language packs) which can be set not to open, or open in the same or new tab/page (useful for internal/external links) The header sizes t…
Right Header Image

by HiFiKabin

3.2.1 3.1.10 Extension
Right Random Image
Adds up to 6 separate images to the RHS of your forum header (LHS for RTL language packs) Each image is randomly loaded and directs to its own URL opening in a new page/tab. Notes: Random in this instance means a random selection at each …
Right Random Image

by HiFiKabin

3.1.10 Extension
Scroll Quoted Text
Extension Name: Scroll Quoted Text Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Reduces excessive quoted text to a 200px high box, adding a scroll bar as needed. Users can disable the extensions function if they wish. …
Scroll Quoted Text

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Show Transfered Permissions
Extension Name: Show Transfered Permissions Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds a warning bar under the Header whenever you have transferred permissions from another user. Requirements: phpBB 3.2.0 an…
Show Transfered Permissions

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension