Author Profile - John P

John P - Contributions

Auto Groups
An official phpBB extension that can automate the process of adding and removing users from user defined groups upon reaching specified milestones based on the user's activity. Features: Add users to group(s) based on post count. Add users to…
Auto Groups

by Extensions Dev Robot

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Cron Status
This extension allows you to see the status of Cron and Cron tasks and to run ready Cron tasks. Features: - A special page for displaying Cron Status. - Cron Status Notice on the main ACP page if Cron is locked. - Ability to see last tas…
Cron Status

by LavIgor

3.1.4 Extension
Error pages
Error Pages enables Custom Error Pages in your forum. Optionally with a explanation. It is also possible to log errors in Maintenance error log so you can look at the problems. Features : - Errors in your mother language - Logging - Logging of…
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
An official phpBB Extension, Pages allows you to create custom static pages for your phpBB forum, such as an About Us page, News page, or even a simple forum Blog. The Page creator allows you to create page content using BBCodes or HTML, making it…

by Extensions Dev Robot

3.3.7 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Prune Logs
An extension for phpBB 3.1 that will prune your logs after a configurable timespan. In admin log you will find how many logs are pruned.
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
Referrer displays an overview of referrer logs in Maintenance module of ACP. This extension logs all referrers it finds and keep track of hits, first visit and last visit. A cron job can prune the referrers after a configurable time.
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
TinyMCE Add-On for Pages extension
Pages addon transforms the Official Pages extension in a real WYSIWYG editor. It uses tinyMCE including pagebreaks for adding more pages in your page. It can only be installed if Pages is enabled off course.
No screenshot

by John P

3.1.2 Extension
Upload Extensions
Upload and install extensions and their language packages without using FTP! Manage extensions more quickly and effectively! Use additional features: manage ZIP packages, view file trees, download proper ZIP packages of your extensions and mor…
Upload Extensions

by LavIgor

3.1.6 Extension