Author Profile - PastisD

PastisD - Contributions

Forum Title Colour
Ensures to colour your forums titles
Forum Title Colour

by ABDev

3.0.10 Modification
Latest Topic Title
Displays the latest topic title, and its icon when there is one, of each forum in the “Last post” column.
Latest Topic Title

by ABDev

3.0.12 Modification
Quick Title Edition
That MOD ensures to add an attribute, generally called a tag or a prefix, like [Solved] , to topics titles. Attention, that MOD requires PHP 5.2.0 or greater to work because JSON functions are used ! If you use a PHP version lower th…
Quick Title Edition

by ABDev

3.0.12 Modification
That MOD lets you list the sites that sent visitors from their page to your board.
No screenshot

by ABDev

3.0.11 Modification