- Description
This BBCode allows you to play an audio file with the browser's embedded audio element.
An optional caption can be added.
- Author cabot
- Last updated Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:32 am
- Rating ( )
- Categories Video and Audio
Public performance attribution has been waived.
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="@audio"> <figure> <figcaption>{TEXT} :</figcaption> <audio controls="" src="{URL}"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </figure> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <audio controls="" src="{URL}"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>
- Help Line: Select all
[audio=Caption text]URL of the audio file[/audio] ou [audio]URL of the audio file[/audio]
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
Audio 1.0.0
- 1.0.0
- 3.3.x
Validation time: Jun 27, 2022 6:32 am
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="@audio"> <figure> <figcaption>{TEXT} :</figcaption> <audio controls="" src="{URL}"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </figure> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <audio controls="" src="{URL}"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>
- Help Line: Select all
[audio=Caption text]URL of the audio file[/audio] ou [audio]URL of the audio file[/audio]