Expanding Text
With this BBcode you can create a text which reveals on click another text behind the clickable text
both textes can be modified
If you want to rename the function (right now it is [htext] you can just replace htext with whatever you want!
Public performance attribution has been waived.
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<span onclick="if(this.nextElementSibling.style.display=='none'){this.nextElementSibling.style.display='inline'}else{this.nextElementSibling.style.display='none'}" style="color: blue; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;">{TEXT1}</span><span style="display:none"> {TEXT2}</span>
- Help Line: Select all
Creates a hidden text box with a custom trigger. Use [htext=Trigger Text]Hidden text here[/htext].