- Description
This Custom BBCode lets you change the font face of text.
Note: This only applies to fonts you have installed on your machine.
- Author Bls1999
- Last updated Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:21 am
- Rating ( )
- Categories Text Formatting
Public performance attribution has been waived.
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<font face="{SIMPLETEXT}">{TEXT}</font>
- Help Line: Select all
This BBCode changes the font face of your text. Example: Verdana.
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
- 5.0.0
- 3.0.x
Validation time: Oct 20, 2012 3:21 am
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<font face="{SIMPLETEXT}">{TEXT}</font>
- Help Line: Select all
This BBCode changes the font face of your text. Example: Verdana.