- Description
This bbcode will embed a map location from the Zombie Survival game H1Z1 into your forum posts. This script uses the free mapshare functionality provided by http://www.h1z1db.net and which is available to all fans of the game.
Maps are displayed inline within a custom sized iframe and are rendered with textures, roads and place names.
Public performance attribution has been waived.
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 500px;" src="http://www.h1z1db.net/mapshareforum/{SIMPLETEXT}" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
- Help Line: Select all
[map]Use the ID found in a h1z1db.net mapshare url.[/map]
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
Shareable H1Z1 Map Integration 0.2
- 0.2
- 3.1.x
Validation time: Jun 09, 2015 8:15 pm
- BBCode Usage: Select all
- HTML Replacement: Select all
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 500px;" src="http://www.h1z1db.net/mapshareforum/{SIMPLETEXT}" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
- Help Line: Select all
[map]Use the ID found in a h1z1db.net mapshare url.[/map]