Categories Hierarchie To phpBB3 Convertor

db access denied when using the convertor - Categories Hierarchie To phpBB3 Convertor

db access denied when using the convertor

by ALF20CL » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:59 pm

Hello there. Is Tom V still around ?

I would like to try this convertor to keep the content of my board (while trying to remove old software based on old php releases more vulnerable to attacks, etc..) , i'm getting error at the very beginning when using the convertor form (which is asking for db name , user/pwd , etc) : Access denied for user 're_forum_dbu'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I've checked the user/password , its admin rights on the DB ... should be ok , i don't understand.

so i'm wondering if there was not any known/common issue like this one ?

yeah that's very old stuff , just trying...
at the very least i would be glad to keep user accounts, user groups. But post history is valuable as well if i manage to keep it

( categoryhierarchy 2.1.6h based on old phpbb 2.0.23 )
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Re: db access denied when using the convertor

by Galixte de EzCom » Mon May 15, 2017 11:03 am


this error: Access denied for user 're_forum_dbu'@'localhost' (using password: YES) seems to concern the the login/password for the MySQL connection. So, check those in the ./config.php file.
Communau EzCom
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