Customisation Database

IGN Video
This BBCode allows users to embed videos from IGN into their posts. The URL to be used is simply the IGN video page, i.e.
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by tanveer2k12

3.0.x Custom BBCode
HTML & symbol BBCode
In HTML, many useful symbols and special characters can be made using &html_name; , like ¥, ¢, € and &frac34, which produce, respectively, ¥, ¢, € and ¾. Here is a BBCode to do this in phpBB posts.
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by stevemaury

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Fraction BBCode
Add fractions to your board.
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by tbackoff

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Font Face Changer
This Custom BBCode lets you change the font face of text. Note: This only applies to fonts you have installed on your machine.
No screenshot

by Bls1999

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Enables the use of coloured boxes and text within posts for layout purposes. Example: [divbox=yellow]This is my divbox[/divbox] For "color" you can use the name of the color that you want such as gray, blue, white or use the HEX code like …

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Centre Align Text
Centre a block of text within a post.
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by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
ascii art bbcode
Allows ascii art to be displayed properly. Any leading spaces on the first line will be deleted. If you want the first line to have leading spaces, you will need to insert a dummy character on the first line and then start your ASCII art on the n…
ascii art bbcode

by clight77

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Animated Progress Bar
This BBCode will appear as a progress bar with a filled percentage value of your choice. The progress bar has an attractive animation to it. Pure CSS3. No images included!
Animated Progress Bar

by Dugi

3.0.x Custom BBCode