Customisation Database

Pastebin Embed
Embeds the paste into the post. Respects the exposure and expiration settings for the paste. A notice is provided if the paste expires (or is deleted) or if the paste is private. Displays the proper formatting when syntax highlighting is used.
No screenshot

by advocatus

3.2.x Custom BBCode
Steam Game Embed
Adds a widget that includes a link back to the Steam Community game store page, a summary and an 'Add to Cart' button.
Steam Game Embed

by advocatus

3.2.x Custom BBCode
Shareable H1Z1 Map Integration
This bbcode will embed a map location from the Zombie Survival game H1Z1 into your forum posts. This script uses the free mapshare functionality provided by and which is available to all fans of the game. Maps are display…
Shareable H1Z1 Map Integration

by Anonymous

3.1.x Custom BBCode
Steam Profile Badge
This BBCode allows members to link their Steam Profile Badge in their signature & so on. It is fully compatible with phpBB 3.1.8
No screenshot

by Anonymous

3.1.x Custom BBCode Speed Test Results
This Custom BBCode allows members to add their speed test results to their signature or other places in the forums.
No screenshot

by Anonymous

3.1.x Custom BBCode
Accent BBCode
Adds accent to a word. Tag: [accent][/accent] HTML: ́ Help line: Places an accent to a word. Uses after vowel. Help line (ru): Добавляет ударение для слова, используется после гласной.
No screenshot

by nya

3.1.x Custom BBCode
Message from Moderator
This BBCode displays a message to the user inside their existing post. This bbcode is NOT "moderator only", you'll need an extension of some kind to limit it in that way. This bbcode can be set to not visible when posting so you would just infor…
Message from Moderator

by MichaelTunnell

3.1.x Custom BBCode