Creates a @mention link to the named user's profile.
Can be used either on its own or as a drop-in replacement for the default BBCode used by the Simple Mentions extension.
Can be styled with the .mention class. Some suggested styles to begi…
Adds accent to a word.
Help line:
Places an accent to a word. Uses after vowel.
Help line (ru):
Добавляет ударение для слова, используется после гласной.
This BBCode provides four alignment options with just one code. It can be used with both images and text.
This BBCode allows to place anchors anywhere in posts. They become targets for hyperlinks using URL BBCodes allowing to jump directly to specific positions in posts.
It allows to create shortcuts to specific words, titles, paragraphs or images, an…
This BBCode will appear as a progress bar with a filled percentage value of your choice. The progress bar has an attractive animation to it.
Pure CSS3. No images included!
Allows ascii art to be displayed properly.
Any leading spaces on the first line will be deleted. If you want the first line to have leading spaces, you will need to insert a dummy character on the first line and then start your ASCII art on the n…
To add this custom BBCode:
1) Login to your Administrator Control Panel
2) Navigate to the "posting" tab
3) select "BBCodes" from the left sidebar menu under "messages"
4) click add
5) follow the image exactly
Example: [ntu…
Enables the use of coloured boxes and text within posts for layout purposes.
Example: [divbox=yellow]This is my divbox[/divbox]
For "color" you can use the name of the color that you want such as gray, blue, white or use the HEX code like …
A simple BBCode to embed a strava activity in a post.
Click on the share icon of your strava activity, select "embed on blog" and extract the url from there.
With this BBcode you can create a text which reveals on click another text behind the clickable text
both textes can be modified
If you want to rename the function (right now it is [htext] you can just replace htext with whatever you want!
Thanks to this BBCode, you will be able to use the hashtags we are accustomed to from social media sites in your phpBB forum with the same logic and practicality.
Here is the demo for the result when you apply this BBCode and click on hashtag: …
This BBCode allows content to be hidden from unregistered users, a message informing of the need to be registered and logged in will be displayed to guests (and bots) instead of the content.
In HTML, many useful symbols and special characters can be made using &html_name; , like ¥, ¢, € and ¾, which produce, respectively, ¥, ¢, € and ¾.
Here is a BBCode to do this in phpBB posts.
This BBCode allows users to embed videos from IGN into their posts. The URL to be used is simply the IGN video page, i.e.
A BBCode that dynamically resizes an image based on a percentage of the column width.
This BBCode is for hiding a part of post's text, displaying button instead, which can be clicked in order to reveal hidden content.
Spoiler button is displaying inline, in the content flow. But when revealed, hidden content is disp…