Warning: this BBCode works fine on phpBB 3.2.6-3.3.4 but stopped working from phpBB 3.3.5 as the <style> element is not allowed any more in the BBCodes HTML Replacement code (cf. JoshyPHP's comment )!
At the moment there's no solution for this …
This BBCode allows to hide by default part of the text of a post.
The hidden text can then be revealed by clicking on the title describing its content.
This version of the Spoiler BBCode is full features:
Optional custom title ( [spoiler=hidden…
This BBCode is for hiding a part of post's text, displaying button instead, which can be clicked in order to reveal hidden content.
Spoiler button is displaying inline, in the content flow. But when revealed, hidden content is disp…
Enables the use of coloured boxes and text within posts for layout purposes.
Example: [divbox=yellow]This is my divbox[/divbox]
For "color" you can use the name of the color that you want such as gray, blue, white or use the HEX code like …
This BBCode will appear as a progress bar with a filled percentage value of your choice. The progress bar has an attractive animation to it.
Pure CSS3. No images included!