Customisation Database

@mention profile link
Creates a @mention link to the named user's profile. Can be used either on its own or as a drop-in replacement for the default BBCode used by the Simple Mentions extension. Can be styled with the .mention class. Some suggested styles to begi…
@mention profile link

by luo-ning

3.3.x Custom BBCode
Accent BBCode
Adds accent to a word. Tag: [accent][/accent] HTML: ́ Help line: Places an accent to a word. Uses after vowel. Help line (ru): Добавляет ударение для слова, используется после гласной.
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by nya

3.1.x Custom BBCode
This BBCode provides four alignment options with just one code. It can be used with both images and text. See:
No screenshot

by Floyd

3.3.x Custom BBCode
ascii art bbcode
Allows ascii art to be displayed properly. Any leading spaces on the first line will be deleted. If you want the first line to have leading spaces, you will need to insert a dummy character on the first line and then start your ASCII art on the n…
ascii art bbcode

by clight77

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Expanding Text
With this BBcode you can create a text which reveals on click another text behind the clickable text both textes can be modified If you want to rename the function (right now it is [htext] you can just replace htext with whatever you want!
Expanding Text

by Zevil_Dev

3.3.x Custom BBCode
Font Awesome BBcode
Enables the use of Font Awesome icons in messages. You can look up the available icons here:
Font Awesome BBcode

by Ger

3.2.x Custom BBCode
Font Face Changer
This Custom BBCode lets you change the font face of text. Note: This only applies to fonts you have installed on your machine.
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by Bls1999

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Fraction BBCode
Add fractions to your board.
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by tbackoff

3.0.x Custom BBCode
HTML & symbol BBCode
In HTML, many useful symbols and special characters can be made using &html_name; , like ¥, ¢, € and &frac34, which produce, respectively, ¥, ¢, € and ¾. Here is a BBCode to do this in phpBB posts.
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by stevemaury

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Enter a number [indent] here [/indent] & you will get an indent.
No screenshot

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Inline BBCode [c][/c]
Used to display code snippets inline for example: $user->setup('viewforum');
No screenshot

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Keyboard key <kbd>
A styled <kbd> BBCode to represent keyboard shortcuts etc.
Keyboard key <kbd>

by luo-ning

3.3.x Custom BBCode
Message from Moderator
This BBCode displays a message to the user inside their existing post. This bbcode is NOT "moderator only", you'll need an extension of some kind to limit it in that way. This bbcode can be set to not visible when posting so you would just infor…
Message from Moderator

by MichaelTunnell

3.1.x Custom BBCode
Moderator's message
This bbcode differs a normal message from a moderator's message. To normally display this bbcode, please upload the following image in your images/ directory: m (see FAQ) Note: Just because this bbcode is meant for moderators, it doesn't …
Moderator's message

by Dugi

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Simple spoiler
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by VEG

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Strike through text
Put a line through text that is between the tags, like this . You can change the tags to others tags that may be suitable for your members, such as [/strike] and [strike] .
No screenshot

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Add subscript text (a lower level character such as used in chemical formulae).
No screenshot

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Add superscript text, similar to x³
No screenshot

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Wrap text around an image.
Adding text after [imageleft]{URL}[/imageleft] will wrap the text around the image. The image URL goes between the [imageleft] tags. The example can be easily modified to have the image on the right by changing float:left to float:right and p…
Wrap text around an image.

by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode