Customisation Database

phpBB [media]
BBCode: phpBB [audio] | phpBB [video] | phpBB [media] We are glad to present you a new universal BBCode "phpBB [media]". It's a 2-in-1 bbcode: [video] and [audio]. Moreover it supports embedding of maps, panoramas and other multimedia. …
phpBB [media]

by VEG

3.0.x Custom BBCode
IGN Video
This BBCode allows users to embed videos from IGN into their posts. The URL to be used is simply the IGN video page, i.e.
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by tanveer2k12

3.0.x Custom BBCode
TED Talks
Allows you to embed TED Talks videos into posts. Usage example The user copies the URL of the page of the audio and inserts it between the [ted][/ted]: [ted][/ted] …
TED Talks

by Raul [ThE KuKa]

3.0.x Custom BBCode
This BBCode allows you to play an audio file with the browser's embedded audio element . An optional caption can be added.

by cabot

3.3.x Custom BBCode
phpBB [video]
BBCode: phpBB [audio] | phpBB [video] | phpBB [media] We are glad to present you a new universal BBCode "phpBB [video]" which is compatible with both phpBB and phpBBex. To install you do not need to edit any files, it can be added throu…
phpBB [video]

by VEG

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Allows you to embed Youtube videos into posts. Please see the Revisions section at the bottom for the following alternative usages: Video ID shortened
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by Support Robot

3.0.x Custom BBCode
phpBB [audio]
BBCode: phpBB [audio] | phpBB [video] | phpBB [media] We are glad to present you a new universal BBCode "phpBB [audio]" which is compatible with both phpBB and phpBBex. To install you do not need to edit any files, it can be added throu…
phpBB [audio]

by VEG

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Tinypic Video
With this bbcode you can post tinypic videos in your messages!
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by cisco007

3.0.x Custom BBCode
Liveleak bbcode
This BBCode allows users to embed videos from Liveleak into their posts. They only need to use the video ID Code which can be found in their browser address bar found after: view?i=
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by Theriddler1

3.0.x Custom BBCode