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Default avatar

Frequently Asked Questions

[FAQ] For Administrators

  1. What does the From style avatar type option do?
    It will search the no_avatar.gif image in your current style path.

    For example, if you use the prosilver style, it will look in the path:

    Code: Select all


    This image must exist as it's the fallback image if you select other options and something goes wrong.

  2. What does the Local avatar type option do?
    It will search under the standard avatar gallery path:

    Code: Select all


    Note: The path already includes a trailing slash.

    Let's say that you just uploaded an awesome pack of avatars called awesomeavatars in the gallery path, the directory tree will look something like this:

    Code: Select all

    └── images
        └── avatars
            └── gallery
                └── awesomeavatars
                    ├── ihavenoideawhatimdoing.png
                    ├── noavatar.png
                    └── pundogmeme.png

    If you want to set pundogmeme.png as the default avatar, you only have to enter in the Avatar image field:

    Code: Select all


  3. What does the Remote avatar type option do?
    It will search an image in the URL you provided in the Avatar image field. For example:

    Code: Select all


    You can also enter a base64 encoded image, example:

    Code: Select all

    data:image/png;base64, aridiculouslylonghash==

  4. What does the Gravatar avatar type option do?
    It will calculate the MD5 hash of the email you provided in the Avatar image field and use the generated image as avatar.

    You must have set an image in the email you choose. If you don't have an account or want to change the image, you can do it at gravatar.com.

  5. What does the Force default avatar option do?
    The user can choose to disallow the use of the default avatar (User Control Panel > Board preferences > Edit global settings) and because this option alone would not make much sense, we can also override his/her options to show it anyways, why? because we're evil :twisted: