Our forums are dedicated to helping those members that use WordPress for their web sites and recent developments have seen their usefulness increase dramatically. The digests extension helps members stay in touch with those developments.
I also appreciate you are winding down your activities, so it seems a little churlish to report what seems to be an error, but here goes...
In our mailing report, we can see digests are going out at the scheduled time and our Amazon SES console shows corresponding stats for numbers of emails sent. However, if I click the 'Digests mailed' entry I see only one user listed even though there were several digests sent. If I click a non-zero 'Digests skipped' entry, I see "The database may be inconsistent. No digest detail records can be found for this date and hour."
Looking at the database, I see there is just one xxx_digests_report_details record for any given xxx_digests_report record. The mailing report is showing what it can from the database, which is incomplete.
Looking at the code for version 3.3.18, I think there's an error in the save_report_statistics routine in phpbbservices/digests/cron/task/digests.php.
Inside the loop started at 2558:
Code: Select all
foreach ($details as $detail)
Code: Select all
$detail['user_id'] = key($details);
I suggest the loop should be:
Code: Select all
foreach ($details as $key => $detail)
Code: Select all
$detail['user_id'] = $key;
Thanks again,