First of all, thank you for this amazing extension!
I wanted to report a small non-blocking issue: when the title of a feed contains quotes, the HTML title attribute of the subject on index and forums list is broken.
Example with this article.
Title of the article :
Code returned to the browser :Guerre en Ukraine : à l'ONU, Emmanuel Macron dénonce un "retour à l'âge des impérialismes"
Code: Select all
<a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1408#p1408" title="Guerre en Ukraine : à l'ONU, Emmanuel Macron dénonce un " retour="" à="" l'âge="" des="" impérialismes""="" class="lastsubject">Guerre en Ukraine : à l'ONU, …</a>
PHP version: 7.4
phpBB version: 3.3.8
Tested with unmodified prosilver