- Deutsche / German (thanks lause74!)
- English
- Español (Usted) / Spanish Formal (thanks Raul [ThE KuKa]!)
- Español (Tú) / Spanish Casual (thanks Raul [ThE KuKa]!)
- Français / French
There's only 4 entries to translate:
Code: Select all
'GROUP_ENABLE_EDIT_TIME' => 'Enable group edit time',
'GROUP_ENABLE_EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows to manage a specific time for group members. This setting overrides the board-wide setting.',
'GROUP_EDIT_TIME' => 'Group limit editing time',
'GROUP_EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Limits the group time available to edit a new post. Setting the value to 0 allows unlimited edit time.',