ImageMagick Thumbnailer

Translations - ImageMagick Thumbnailer


by canonknipser » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:10 pm

ImageMagick Thumbnailer is delivered by default with two languages (and formal language variant for german):
  • en (English) as phpBB default language
  • de (German casual)
  • de-x-sie (German formal)
Currently, i don't plan to include other languages in my extension directly. It is much easier to keep the language file up to date outside the main package.

For every language, a separate topic should be created in the support section of imagemagick thumbnailer
So, if you need another language, look for a translation in this area or, if you don't find one, feel free to create a new one and share it with us.

Here you find the links to translation topics (in alphabetic order of ISO codes):
  • de - german casual (included, therefore no topic)
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1
  • de_x_sie - german formal (included, therefore no topic)
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1
  • en - british english (included, therefore no topic)
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1 (as a attachment to this topic)
  • es - spanish, formal variant (USTED)
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1
  • es_x_tu - spanish, casual variant (TÚ)
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1
  • nl - dutch
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1
  • vi - vietnamese
    Contains following translations:
    • 1.0.1

How to install a translation:
Please unzip the language zip file at your local computer; create a subdirectory with your language code (see: ... iderations ) under ext/canonknipser/imthumbnailer/language and upload the files from the unzipped language package to this subdirectory.

Please create a separate topic for each new language prefixed with the language code in square brackets (per example: [en] )and attach the translated file as zip-archive.

en language file is attached as zip-archive to this post as a "translation master", in version 1.0.1
english language file version 1.0.1
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Greetings, Frank support team member
English is not my native language - no support via PM or mail
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Re: Translations

by olalavui » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:53 am

Please update in language/en/common.php - line 41

Code: Select all

'ACP_CK_IT_QUALITY_EXPLAIN'	=> 'With this setting you can control the image compression quality of the generated thumbnail. Higher values give higher quality, but also bigger file sizes. Before phpBB 3.2.4, the value was set to 80 in the pphBB core',
replace to:

Code: Select all

'ACP_CK_IT_QUALITY_EXPLAIN'	=> 'With this setting you can control the image compression quality of the generated thumbnail. Higher values give higher quality, but also bigger file sizes. Before phpBB 3.2.4, the value was set to 80 in the phbBB core',
Incorrect text ^^!
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Re: Translations

by olalavui » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:57 am

Vietnamese language - 1.0.1
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Re: Translations

by canonknipser » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:47 pm

olalavui wrote: Vietnamese language
Thank you very much for your translation.

I opened a separate topic for your language pack, as mentioned in the first post:

canonknipser wrote: For every language, a separate topic should be created in the support section of imagemagick thumbnailer
, so please all translators obey this rule - it keeps this topic clean. All languages will be linked in the first post of this topic in alphabetic order.

Also thank you pointing out the error - I will correct it in the next version. In the meantime, I opened a issue at GitHub to track this error
Greetings, Frank support team member
English is not my native language - no support via PM or mail
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