Thanks for your help but I still couldn't figure it out, at least for my local xampp installation which doesn't have SSH. I didn't want to risk screwing something up by trying it immediately on my live FTP for which SSH is activated.
I used those SQL queries instead:
Code: Select all
Update tablename_posts set post_subject = replace (post_subject, 'Re: ', '') where post_subject like 'Re:%'
Code: Select all
Update tablename_topics set topic_last_post_subject = replace (topic_last_post_subject, 'Re: ', '') where topic_last_post_subject like 'Re:%'
And it worked like a charm. I'm still going to use your extension to prevent the 'Re:' from reappearing since it's the latest one and it's officially compatible with phpBB 3.3.
Wouldn't it be possible for you to create a button inside the ACP to execute that command line?
Have a nice day!