First off please forgive my ignorance, i am very new to the sandbox thing and i may be missing something glaringly obvious but i am going to try my best to describe what i am running into.
I just added the ppde2.0.1 extension to my forum and have it looking how i think it should look, and i have tested it in the sandbox environment under the founder only sandbox and all transactions have gone through and have been successful. However. Here are a few things i noticed that make me feel like something could be wrong?
- None of the sandbox statistics are populating in the overview page in the ACP? I have done multiple sandbox donations both with my own accounts and with the accounts that were provided in the FAQ page of this extension. Still nothing.
- The donating sandbox accounts (on paypal) seem to show a balance that appears as though the transactions worked, but the receiving accounts do not show any sign of cash coming in. on the other hand in developers dashboard when i view the notifications for each of the sandbox accounts it looks like everything is coming and going accordingly??
- The Donations Goal / Received graphs do not update with each sandbox transaction? Is this normal? With the regular transactions when this goes live will those graphical bars be populated automatically or will those features need to be manually entered via the settings in the ACP
- I have the Notify site admin and donor option set to yes however i am not really seeing these notifications ? Are they supposed to pop up in the forum? Or just via email?