Code: Select all
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.
Admin panel transaction logs (and DB) show each transaction once, and people get the notification their donation went through normally (though it seems pretty slow to appear). However when I check the logs in /store/ext/ppde there are 10-16 log files for each transaction, and after the time stamps in each, they do say they've returned a 200, though the contents of the logs vary a little in the property order and content. For example:
Some of the logs show
Code: Select all
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 8
It doesn't seem to make any difference on this issue which address is set on Paypal's side as the IPN address, or if the IPN is completely disabled there or not.
This issue started happening starting from a donation made on March 10th, 2024, 10:17:20 am EDT, and has happened with every donation ever since. Prior to that the site was momentarily in maintenance mode as I ran server updates (so that could also be the culprit since it fits time-wise).
Have you run into this issue before, and if so, any tips? Or would you have any advice if this is something I can debug from the site's or extension's setting or logs, or if this might be an issue with Paypal, or if I need to keep digging into the server updates in case something didn't get updated properly on the server, or an update simply broke stuff.
Many thanks in advance in any case!