National Flags

[Feature Request] Select Language Flags in Profile - National Flags

[Feature Request] Select Language Flags in Profile

by orynider » Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:06 pm


I worked at a language flags package that cant be used with Your extension for selecting and displaying languages for each user at Profile or at Register and a user could select a preferred language as we can in browsers.

So, I started a new repository at



These flags could be added to each language select box such as were editing the configuration in ACP.
I sort the flag files using a function that I written years ago. ... /


I'm using this feature ATM with the Auto Indexer, a tool on witch phpBB and MXP-CMS are based on, and did a repository at and you can see it on rolling at:

It's important that we could select our language using a flag at register and later we could add languages we know to the profile, and for example if we search for translators we may need to know the Level from 1 (beginner) to 5 (mother language) as the Tower of Babel on Wikipedia for each translator.

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Re: [Feature Request] Select Language Flags in Profile

by RMcGirr83 » Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:35 am

All of the flag images that are in the extension have the ISO 639-1 code for the flag. Unfortunately there is not a flag for every language so no idea how you would work that.
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Re: [Feature Request] Select Language Flags in Profile

by orynider » Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:23 pm

RMcGirr83 wrote:All of the flag images that are in the extension have the ISO 639-1 code for the flag. Unfortunately there is not a flag for every language so no idea how you would work that.
Yes, I didn't finished all the .png files. I'm setting up the office, furniture, summer cleaning, etc, another week or over. After that I setup one PC in the other room that I can use it for transactions, pay for domains, etc. Then I finish setting another two PC's beside this server in this office and return to work on translating messages two coworkers and start working again on PHP projects by checking / recompiling PHP8 and even working on older projects at as this one.

We should look witch flags are included in country or nation flags and have a language ISO 639-1 code before I start competing the flag .png files, how I did with Russian that have same flag for language and country.
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