National Flags

Issue in services.yml for 2.3.0 version - National Flags

Issue in services.yml for 2.3.0 version

by ssl » Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:34 pm

At the end of the file:

Code: Select all

        class: rmcgirr83\nationalflags\core\nationalflags
            - '@config'
            - '@controller.helper'
            - '@cache'
            - '@dbal.conn'
            - '@language'
            - '@template'
            - '@user'
            - '%rmcgirr83.nationalflags.table.nationalflags%'
            - '@ext.manager'
            - '@path_helper'
            - %flag_constants%
            - '@?phpbb.collapsiblecategories.operator'
Replace this:

Code: Select all

By this:

Code: Select all

Sorry for my English ... I do my best! :anger_right:

:point_right_tone3: phpBB: 3.3.14 | PHP: 8.3.15
:point_right_tone4: [Kill spam on phpBB] - [Some French translation of extensions]
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