Translation Status
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Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge(
$lang, array(
//forum acp
'RECENT_TOPICS_LIST' => 'Display on “recent topics”',
'RECENT_TOPICS_LIST_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable to display topics in this forum in the “recent topics” extension.',
//acp title
'RECENT_TOPICS' => 'Recent Topics',
'RT_CONFIG' => 'Configuration',
'RECENT_TOPICS_EXPLAIN' => 'On this page you can change the settings specific for the Recent Topics extension.<br /><br />Specific forums can be included or excluded by editing the respective forums in your ACP.<br />Also be sure to check your user permissions, which allow users to change some of the settings found below for themselves.',
//global settings
'RT_GLOBAL_SETTINGS' => 'Global Settings',
'RT_DISPLAY_INDEX' => 'Display on Index page',
'RT_NUMBER' => 'Number of Recent topics to show',
'RT_NUMBER_EXP' => 'Maximum number of topics to display per page.',
'RT_PAGE_NUMBER' => 'Show all recent topic pages.',
'RT_PAGE_NUMBER_EXP' => 'Check to override the maximum number of pages shown',
'RT_PAGE_NUMBERMAX' => 'Maximum number of pages',
'RT_PAGE_NUMBERMAX_EXP' => 'Set the page maximum (1-999) to display in the recent topics pagination unless overridden.',
'RT_MIN_TOPIC_LEVEL' => 'Minimum topic type level',
'RT_MIN_TOPIC_LEVEL_EXP' => 'Determines the minimum level of the topic-type to display. It will only display topics of the set level, and higher.',
'RT_ANTI_TOPICS' => 'Excluded topic ID’s',
'RT_ANTI_TOPICS_EXP' => 'The IDs of topics to exclude, separated by “,” (Example: 7,9)<br />The value 0 disables this behaviour.',
'RT_PARENTS' => 'Display parent forums',
'RT_PARENTS_EXP' => 'Display parent forums inside the topic row of recent topics.',
//User Overridable settings. these apply for anon users and can be overridden by UCP
'RT_OVERRIDABLE' => 'UCP overridable Settings',
'RT_LOCATION' => 'Display location',
'RT_LOCATION_EXP' => 'Select location to display recent topics.',
'RT_TOP' => 'Show on top',
'RT_BOTTOM' => 'Show on bottom',
'RT_SIDE' => 'Show on side',
'RT_SORT_START_TIME' => 'Sort by topic start time',
'RT_SORT_START_TIME_EXP' => 'Enable to sort recent topics by the starting time of the topic, instead of the last post time.',
'RT_UNREAD_ONLY' => 'Only display unread topics',
'RT_UNREAD_ONLY_EXP' => 'Enable to only display unread topics (whether they are “recent” or not). This function uses the same settings (excluding forums/topics etc.) as normal mode. Note: this only works for logged-in users; guests will get the normal list.',
'RT_RESET_DEFAULT' => 'Reset user settings',
'RT_RESET_DEFAULT_EXP' => 'Reset user settings to default.',
//Enable for extensions
'RT_NICKVERGESSEN_NEWSPAGE' => 'Support for NewsPage Extension',
'RT_VIEW_ON' => 'Display recent topics on:',
'RT_DONATE_URL' => '',
'PAYPAL_ALT' => 'Donate using PayPal',
'RT_DONATE' => 'Donate to RecentTopics',
'RT_DONATE_SHORT' => 'Make a donation to RecentTopics',
'RT_DONATE_EXPLAIN' => 'RecentTopics is 100% free. It is a hobby project that I am spending my time and money on, just for the fun of it. If you enjoy using RecentTopics, please consider making a donation. I would really appreciate it. No strings attached.',
Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge(
$lang, array(
'ACL_U_RT_VIEW' => 'Recent Topics: can view.',
'ACL_U_RT_ENABLE' => 'Recent Topics: can enable or disable',
'ACL_U_RT_LOCATION' => 'Recent Topics: can select display location',
'ACL_U_RT_SORT_START_TIME' => 'Recent Topics: can change sort order',
'ACL_U_RT_UNREAD_ONLY' => 'Recent Topics: can set unread-only mode',
Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge(
$lang, array(
'RECENT_TOPICS' => 'Recent Topics',
'RT_NO_TOPICS' => 'There are no new topics to display.',
Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge(
$lang, array(
'RT_ENABLE' => 'Display recent topics',
'RT_LOCATION' => 'Select location',
'RT_LOCATION_EXP' => 'Select location to display recent topics.',
'RT_SORT_START_TIME' => 'Sort recent topics by topic start time',
'RT_SORT_START_TIME_EXP' => 'Instead of sorting them by last post time.',
'RT_UNREAD_ONLY' => 'Only display unread topics in recent topics',
'RT_TOP' => 'Show on top',
'RT_BOTTOM' => 'Show on bottom',
'RT_SIDE' => 'Show on side',