phpBB 3.1.9
- Released:
- Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:30 am
- File size:
- 134.23 KiB
- Validated for:
- phpBB 3.1.9
- MD5 checksum:
- f6320f665beb6b8c908850060d7aedca
- Install directory:
- ext/robertheim/topictags
- Description
RH Topic Tags
Enables tagging of topics with key words.
Common:- add tags when posting a new topic
- Tag suggestions based on existing tags
- edit tags when editing first post of topic
- SEO-optimization: tags are added to meta-content keywords in viewtopic
- tags are shown in viewforum (can be disabled in acp)
- enable tagging of topics on a per forum basis
- Responsive layout
- Full UTF-8 support
- search topics by tag(s)
- /tag/{tags}/{mode}/{casesensitive} shows topics tagged with all (mode=AND, default) or any (mode=OR) of the given tags, where tags are comma separated tags and casesensitive can be true to search case-sensitive or false (default), e.g.:
- /tag/tag1,tag2/OR lists topics that are tagged with tag1 OR tag2 OR tAG2
- /tag/tag1,tag2/AND lists topics that are tagged with [tag1 AND (tag2 OR tAG2)]
- /tag/tag1,tag2 lists topics that are tagged with [tag1 AND (tag2 OR tAG2)] (mode=default=AND, casesensitive=default=false)
- /tag/tag1,tAG2/AND/true lists topics that are tagged with (tag1 AND tAG2)
- /tags shows a tag cloud
- acp option for tag cloud to be displayed on board-index or not
- acp option to limit count of tags shown in tag cloud on the index page
- dynamic tag-size in tag cloud depending on its usage count
- acp option to en/disable display of usage count of tags in tag cloud
Goto ACP -> Extensions -> RH Topic Tags- configure a regex to decide which tags are valid and which are not
- maintenance functions in ACP -> Extensions -> RH Topic Tags
- Whitelist
- Blacklist
- User and Mod+Admin permission for who can add/edit RH topic tags
- spaces in tags are converted to "-" by default (you can disable it in ACP)
- Manage existing tags in ACP
- Delete tag
- Rename tag
- Merge tags (rename one tag to the same name as another tag and they will automatically be merged )
- Author combuster
- Last updated Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:30 am
- Total Downloads 3147
- Announcement topic phpBB 3.1.x
- Rating ( )
- Categories Extensions, Add-Ons
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
- 1.0.3
- 3.1.9
Validation time: Oct 26, 2016 6:30 am
Downloads: 3132