Simple mentions

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 22.20.44.png
2.0.0 phpBB 3.3.10
Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:35 pm
File size:
101.02 KiB
Validated for:
phpBB 3.3.10
MD5 checksum:
Install directory:
1.0.5 phpBB 3.2.7
Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:12 am
File size:
118.25 KiB
Validated for:
phpBB 3.2.7
MD5 checksum:
Install directory:
This extensions add support for mentioning a user by starting to type a @ in the posting field.
Once you select a user from the dropdown, the [mention] BBCode will be inserted and after submitting the post it will create a notification to that user.

Please note that starting with version 2.0 this extension require phpBB 3.3 and will not work with older versions

New in version 2.0
  • Support for mentioning groups. To enable this, you need to set the can mention groups permissions. Please note that for larger groups there is also a setting for limiting who can mention those (The amount can be set in the settings pane. The limitation for who can mention can be set via permissions).
  • BBCodes are no longer defined within the ACP, but is defined in code. Please note that changes done by hand to the old BBCode will no longer be respected. I do not provide support for changing the default BBCode, default text or adding a link.
    For backwards compatibility the old BBCode will keep working for old posts, but will no longer work for new or edited posts.
  • The amount of maximum users in the mention list is now configurable in the ACP.
  • This extension now requires PHP7.1 or higher, and phpBB 3.3 or higher. Older versions are no longer supported.
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  • Revisions
    phpBB Version(s)