phpBB 3.1.8
- Released:
- Sun May 29, 2016 2:38 pm
- File size:
- 65.47 KiB
- Validated for:
- phpBB 3.1.8
- MD5 checksum:
- 01ee2a01bfdedd9de2c1a4cbce1aaa95
- Install directory:
- ext/tierra/topicsolved
- Description
Allows posting questions, and accepting answers as solved.
Solved indicators will be shown next to titles throughout forum and topic views. Mostly ideal for support forums, but can be customized for marking topics for other purposes such as classifieds being marked as sold.
This is an update of the phpBB 3.0.x Topic Solved MOD, written by Jari Kanerva.
Features- Solved indicators show in the following locations:
- Forum View
- Topic View
- Search Results (both Post and Topic views)
- MCP Forum View
- Use custom text indicator instead of default image.
- Custom text indicators can use custom color.
- Only topic author or moderator can solve topics.
- Can be locked to only moderator access for solving topics.
- Solving topics may be set to automatically lock the topic.
- All settings can be customized per-forum.
This extension comes bundled with support for the following languages:- Arabic (ar)
- Czech (cs)
- Danish (da)
- Dutch (nl)
- English (en)
- Estonian (et)
- Finnish (fi)
- French (fr)
- German (de)
- German (Formal Honorifics) (de_x_sie)
- Japanese (ja)
- Polish (pl)
- Portuguese (pt)
- Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_br)
- Russian (ru)
- Spanish (es)
- Swedish (sv)
- Turkish (tr)
Additional translations can be requested and submitted here.
Supported Styles
Most phpBB 3.1.x styles should work with this extension out of the box, however, some styles require additional changes for full functionality. If your style does not work correctly, you can request support for your style from the support forum. The following styles are explicitly supported:- prosilver
- subsilver2
- bb3-mobi
- pbtech
- subway
Requirements- PHP 5.3.10+
- phpBB 3.1.3+
You can install this extension in phpBB by following the steps below:- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the file to your phpBB/ext directory.
- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions.
- Look for Topic Solved under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its Enable link.
Getting Started
After enabling the extension, you must configure each individual forum you would like solved topic functionality to be enabled for. Under the "Forums" section in the Administration Control Panel, find each forum you would like to enable solved topics for, and click "Edit forum".
Topic Solved will not work for "Category" or "Link" type forums, it will only work with "Forum" forum types. Once you have ensured your forum is set for the "Forum" type, the topic solved settings will show up in it's own section near the bottom of the settings form.
At the minimum, you must select either "Yes" or "Moderator" for the "Allow topics to be marked as solved" setting in order to enable solved topics for the forum you wish to use this extension with.
The remaining settings alter the behavior and permissions required to mark topics as solved or unsolved, as well as the appearance of the indicator.
This extension is developed at this GitHub repository. All changes must be discussed and tested there. All issues must be officially reported here as well (the support forum is not an issue tracker).
Uninstall- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
- Look for Topic Solved under the Enabled Extensions list, and click its Disable link.
- To permanently uninstall, click Delete Data and then delete the /ext/tierra/topicsolved directory.
- Solved indicators show in the following locations:
- Author bpetty
- Past Contributors tumba25
- Last updated Sun May 29, 2016 2:38 pm
- Total Downloads 9410
- Announcement topic phpBB 3.1.x
- Rating ( )
- Categories Add-Ons
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
- 2.2.0
- 3.1.8
Validation time: May 29, 2016 2:38 pm
Downloads: 6101
- 2.1.0
- 3.1.4
Validation time: Aug 25, 2015 12:35 pm
Downloads: 3302