Customisation Database

No notice delete unread PMs
Deletes unread PMs without delivering any notice to intended recipients. This is a port and rewrite of the 3.0 MOD "No more notice upon deleted PM", found here: Done with p…
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by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
LMDI Trashbin
This extensions adds an item in the Quick links menu to allow moderators to send to a selected forum, used as trashbin, the current topic viewed in viewtopic.php. This menu items only appears if the user has the permissions to delete or move a top…
LMDI Trashbin

by pierredu

3.1.10 Extension
tas2580 lastpostlink
Changes links to last post so that are all links are equal. URLs like viewtopic.php?f=1&p=3#p3 become viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2#p3 .
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by tas2580

3.1.9 Extension
Validated Date Profile Fields
This extension adds date range validation to the standard date profile fields. You may add a minimum and maximum date to any date profile field. It may be specified as a complete or partial date (only year, year plus month, full date) and the va…
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by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
LMDI My Topics
This extension adds in the Quick links dropdown menu an item 'Your topics' to search only for your topics and not for your posts, since you may write posts in some topics without wanting to follow them strictly. The new menu item can be at the top…
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by pierredu

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Active Extensions List
Shows total number of active extensions installed in the forum statistics with a link to a new page to a list of the installed extensions with their versions and descriptions.
Active Extensions List

by spaceace

3.1.10 Extension
Email To User On Group Status Change
phpBB 3.2 extension that will send an email to users that are either added, removed, promoted or demoted in a user group. A port of the 3.0 MOD of the same name. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation, then feel free to
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by RMcGirr83

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Add casimages Service
This extention add casimage service on phpBB 3.2.x and- 3.1.x message editor.
Add casimages Service

by fbrcrsi

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Hide custom profile fields from guests
This simple extension completely hides the custom profile fields for guests. Differs from this ext that the source code hiding too. Demo:
Hide custom profile fields from guests

by Siava

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Username History
Shows a user's previous usernames on his/her profile (Depends on user log)
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by Token07

3.1.9 Extension
Nested Color Parser
phpBB 3.1 does not allow nested color tags. For example [color=#ff0000]Hello [color=#00ff00]there[/color]![/color] does not work. The first opener and the first closing bbcode are taken coloring everything from Hello to there in red leaving the s…
Nested Color Parser

by cYbercOsmOnauT

3.1.5 Extension
Show ACP statistics on index
Display daily score of the posts, topics and members in the index page
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by Anișor

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
gn36 - Enforce guest username
This extension forces guests to enter a username when they create a post. This extension can therefore help to remind existing users to log in as well as force guests to pick a meaningful username. The guest username must be picked according to t…
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by gn#36

3.1.7-pl1 Extension
The Translate App makes integration with the Website Translator a breeze. This app will make your site multi-lingual, extending your reach to other countries and users that speak other languages! has an advanced transla…

by Translate

3.1.9 Extension
Active Birthdays
Limit the users who's birthdays are displayed on the main forum page to only users that have recently visited the forum. Very useful for forums with a large user base. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted…
Active Birthdays

by Jakester34

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Right Random Image
Adds up to 6 separate images to the RHS of your forum header (LHS for RTL language packs) Each image is randomly loaded and directs to its own URL opening in a new page/tab. Notes: Random in this instance means a random selection at each …
Right Random Image

by HiFiKabin

3.1.10 Extension
Group Template Variables
This tiny extension adds template variables which makes it possible to check whether the user is in a certain group. The format of the template variables is S_GROUP_ID , where ID is to be replaced with the id of the group. Example: <!-- IF S_GR…
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by martti

3.1.5 Extension
Hide 24 hour activity stats (Add-on)
Hide the statistics block of the extension “24 hour activity stats” >= 1.0.6 to users/groups, at will. The statistics will be shown only to authorized users/groups, based on the permission under ACP->permissions->misc. The permission is not set,…
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by 3Di

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Button roll effect
Roll effect on big and small buttons on hover or clicked. Video: m Installation: Download the latest release. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> …
Button roll effect

by dmzx

3.1.5 Extension
Cloudflare unmasked IP
Stops users to have the Cloudflare nodes IP address. If you think this extension it's worth using consider to donate . ;)
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by 3Di

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Locked at End
Place any locked topics at the end of the forums' topic list, also works in the MCP Mod port: This is a port of Locked at End by UseLess Languages: ar, en, nl Features: UCP option to turn on/off (Board preferences > Displ…
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by david63

3.1.3 Extension
opt-in/out e-mails on registration
phpBB by default automatically subscribes the new user to receive boards emails upon registration. This extension allows users to choose whether subscribe or not to the admin news/board emails during registration process. The subscription is disab…
opt-in/out e-mails on registration

by SiteSplat

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
MOB add Active Topics link on viewtopic tools
Display View Active Topics link in the footer Tool Drop-Down in viewtopic page only.
MOB add Active Topics link on viewtopic tools

by M.O.B.

3.1.3 Extension
gn36 - Hookup
The Hookup extension adds a meeting planner to your forum, similar to doodle and other such sites. You can agree upon a date to meet or use text entries instead of dates to obtain a quick overview of users opinions on certain entries, or perhaps…
gn36 - Hookup

by gn#36

3.1.10 Extension