An official phpBB Extension that allows administrators to easily add Google Analytics to their phpBB forum.
This extension adds a config field to the Board Settings panel where you can enter your Google Analytics property tracking ID. This will a…
Error Pages enables Custom Error Pages in your forum. Optionally with a explanation. It is also possible to log errors in Maintenance error log so you can look at the problems.
Features :
- Errors in your mother language
- Logging
- Logging of…
Referrer displays an overview of referrer logs in Maintenance module of ACP. This extension logs all referrers it finds and keep track of hits, first visit and last visit. A cron job can prune the referrers after a configurable time.
Add ability to ban users after N number of board wide warnings
- Activate Auto Ban
- Warnings Ban Limit
- Auto Ban duration
- Auto Ban reason
This extension allows you to see the status of Cron and Cron tasks and to run ready Cron tasks.
- A special page for displaying Cron Status.
- Cron Status Notice on the main ACP page if Cron is locked.
- Ability to see last tas…
Displays a list of user ranks and the members in that rank
Option to not list members for members
Option to not list "special" ranks
Option to ignore bots
Option to only list members for Admins
Option to list specia…
A simple Portal page with acp control to disable/enable and portal text, viewonline status.
Based on Crizzos about us page.…
Shows an ACP configurable mailto link in a form that makes it less SPAMable than the Contact Us page in the phpBB3.1.x package. There is a switch to allow you to choose between this extension and the inbuilt Contact Us form (the switch action is d…
Change Post Time extension for phpbb
Adds the option for a moderator to change the posting date and time of a post.
This is a port of the abandoned 3.0 mod found here:
Main features:
phpBB 3.1 does not allow nested color tags.
For example [color=#ff0000]Hello [color=#00ff00]there[/color]![/color] does not work. The first opener and the first closing bbcode are taken coloring everything from Hello to there in red leaving the s…
Extension Description: Adds the ability to add a clickable image to the Right Hand Side (or LHS for RTL language packs) which can be set not to open, or open in the same or new tab/page (useful for internal/external links) The header sizes t…
This tiny extension adds template variables which makes it possible to check whether the user is in a certain group. The format of the template variables is S_GROUP_ID , where ID is to be replaced with the id of the group.
<!-- IF S_GR…
Display birthdays only when there is a birthday.
1. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
2. Look for ` Hide Birthdays ` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its ` Enable ` link.
This extension add a button to show/hide the quick reply.
Languages : English, French.
Installation :
Download and unzip the current release
Upload the the folder cabot/ to root/ext/ and enable Quick Reply Toggle in the ACP
Github r…
Extension will display those users who have a birthday coming as per the settings in the ACP (under the "load" and "Board features" settings). Loading of Birthdays must be set to display in the ACP. This is a port of the phpBB 3.0.x …
That extension add a links directory at your phpBB forum.
For each website:
Click counter
Country flags
Automatics thumbnails
Google PageRank calcul
Back link (with an powerful sytem of automatical periodic verific…
Shrinks quoted images down to a height of 100 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. It only works with linked images (those using the [img] tag) It does not effect attached images.
Language: n/a
Supported Styles:
prosilver a…
If a user try to login and the login fails, this extension creates an entry in the user log. Also on the next login the user will see how much logins failed since his last login.