phpBB extension that will not show bots to regular users and guests within the online user list in the stats section. Admins will still be able to see the bots in the stats section.
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phpBB extension that adds a new forum permission to send new topics to moderation. Once enabled you must set which forums, under the Misc tab of the forum, you want new topics to be on moderator queue on a per forum basis.
If you like this ex…
phpBB extension which will display the quick reply only on the last page of a topic.
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Allows the admin to set an option that will only allow unregistered users/guests to view the first post of any topic. The number of characters to display for the first post is also able to be set on a per forum basis. The rest of the posts in the …
Displays the topic icon from last topic within a forum. Topic icons must be used and must be selected to be displayed.
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Adds a new forum permission to restrict access to viewing posts to certain groups and forums (located under the misc tab). Once enabled you must set which forums for which groups, under the group permissions of the forum, you want to restrict vie…
This is a port of the phpBB version 3.0.x Topic Descriptions that adds the possibility of being able to describe topics, in posting page. Based on permissions per forum. Descriptions are displayed in viewtopic, viewforum, search results (only di…
Extension will display those users who have a birthday coming as per the settings in the ACP (under the "load" and "Board features" settings). Loading of Birthdays must be set to display in the ACP. This is a port of the phpBB 3.0.x …
Displays a pop-up when clicking on the number of replies within a forum that will display who posted in that topic.
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Will display a birthday cake on a users birthday within viewtopic as well as the users profile.
If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Extension adds the ability to show the number of topics, and a link to display them, when viewing a users profile
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Shrinks quoted images down to a height of 100 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. It only works with linked images (those using the [img] tag) It does not effect attached images.
Language: n/a
Supported Styles:
prosilver a…
Displays Forum name in Topic.
1. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
2. Look for ` Forum name in Topic ` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its ` Enable ` link.
Display birthdays only when there is a birthday.
1. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
2. Look for ` Hide Birthdays ` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its ` Enable ` link.
phpBB extension that will display topic age day in viewforum how many days ago posted.
Download and unzip the current release.
Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
Navigate in the ACP to Cust…
This extension add a button to show/hide the quick reply.
Languages : English, French.
Installation :
Download and unzip the current release
Upload the the folder cabot/ to root/ext/ and enable Quick Reply Toggle in the ACP
Github r…
Adds 6 timezones to the Index page of your forum. The clocks time is not dependant on local time, and DST is automatically added where needed.
Language: EN
Additional Language Pack HERE es, ru
Extension Version: 1.0.2
Shows exif data for images (jpg- and tiff format) posted as attachment
php exif library installed
phpBB 3.1.6-RC1 or higher for proper events
PHP 5.3.3 or higher
show some exif data of attached…
phpBB extension that allows users to apply for certain team positions. The applications are sent to a forum, as chosen in the ACP settings of the extension, where administrators can read them and see if the users are the best for the position. Thi…
Deletes unread PMs without delivering any notice to intended recipients.
This is a port and rewrite of the 3.0 MOD "No more notice upon deleted PM", found here:
Done with p…
This extension allows users to write their own notes.
You can find your notes under Quick links menu.
Also try:
- Browser & Mobile Notifications Extension
This extension will add links to all your posts. You can choose to display link, BBcode and HTML format of post. Those links are hidden by default and user can display them by single click.
Also try:
- Browser & Mobile Notifi…
Relative dates. Relative dates everywhere! This extension prints almost all dates in relative format (i.e. 3 days ago). Except for ones that we really want to see in absolute form. Mouseover exact date guaranteed. Localization? For sure! PHP 5.6+ …
Displays user's recent posting activity in their profile. Displays posts text with bbcode striped and truncated to a length set in the ACP.
Also try:
- Browser & Mobile Notifications Extension