Customisation Database

Cron Status
This extension allows you to see the status of Cron and Cron tasks and to run ready Cron tasks. Features: - A special page for displaying Cron Status. - Cron Status Notice on the main ACP page if Cron is locked. - Ability to see last tas…
Cron Status

by LavIgor

3.1.4 Extension
Site Logo
Replace the standard phpBB logo with own custom logo Features: Select a logo from any location, either on your board or from anywhere on the Internet. Resize the logo (smaller) Apply rounded corners to match the style Adjust the d…
Site Logo

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
Simple Portal
A simple Portal page with acp control to disable/enable and portal text, viewonline status. Based on Crizzos about us page.…
Simple Portal

by Stoker 4.0

3.1.5 Extension
Joined Date Format
An extension to change the joined date format displayed in viewtopic and memberlist/user profile. Mod port: This is a port of the Join Date Format mod by idiotnesia Features: Select formats for Viewtopic, Memberlist & profile (ca…
Joined Date Format

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
Email List
Adds an Admin option to display a list of member's email addresses Features: The list will be found in ACP > Users & Groups If Jabber is enabled on the board then Jabber addresses (where set) will be displayed. You can sort the lis…
Email List

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
phpBB 3.1 Newspage Extension
Adds an extra page to the board where a switchable number of news can be displayed. The news texts can be shorten to a given number of characters. Also the icons can be switched on/off (post icons, user icons)
phpBB 3.1 Newspage Extension

by nickvergessen

3.1.4 Extension
Online Status
Extension for any phpBB 3.1.x (last tested on 3.1.5) that allows visitors/users to better identify the current online status of a user. This extension DO NOT override "online" or "offline" status on profile (and view topic). If yo…
Online Status

by matu58

3.1.5 Extension
Nested Color Parser
phpBB 3.1 does not allow nested color tags. For example [color=#ff0000]Hello [color=#00ff00]there[/color]![/color] does not work. The first opener and the first closing bbcode are taken coloring everything from Hello to there in red leaving the s…
Nested Color Parser

by cYbercOsmOnauT

3.1.5 Extension
Post new topic
With this extension users are able to create new topics from the board index. After clicking the button a dropdown list of predefined forums is being shown. The button text (by default "New Topic") can be customised in the ACP.
Post new topic

by [email protected]

3.1.5 Extension
Group Template Variables
This tiny extension adds template variables which makes it possible to check whether the user is in a certain group. The format of the template variables is S_GROUP_ID , where ID is to be replaced with the id of the group. Example: <!-- IF S_GR…
No screenshot

by martti

3.1.5 Extension
Button roll effect
Roll effect on big and small buttons on hover or clicked. Video: m Installation: Download the latest release. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> …
Button roll effect

by dmzx

3.1.5 Extension
Post Models
This extension is the conversion of the Elglobo's MOD "Post Models" . This extension allows to create models that can be used when writting a message. Features: Each models can be used in posts or in PMs (settable); It's possible to creat…
Post Models

by Zoddo

3.1.5 Extension
phpBB Directory
That extension add a links directory at your phpBB forum. For each website: Comments Votes Banners Click counter Country flags Automatics thumbnails Google PageRank calcul Back link (with an powerful sytem of automatical periodic verific…
phpBB Directory

by ErnadoO

3.1.5 Extension
Board3 Portal
Adds a portal with several modules to your forum. You can change the settings, move the modules, add new modules, and more in the ACP. Uses a table-free and responsive layout in prosilver. An unlimited amount of custom blocks can be added in the ACP.
Board3 Portal

by Marc

3.1.5 Extension
Delete my registration
Allows users to delete their own account.
Delete my registration

by KillBill.

3.1.5 Extension
Link menu
This extension will add a simple link menu to header and place the search box in navbar. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate …
Link menu

by dmzx

3.1.5 Extension
Adds the ability to quickedit posts. Features: Global setting to disable/enable quickedit boardwide (next to quickreply settings in Board features) Forum-based settings to disable/enable quickedit for a specific forum (in forum settings) …
No screenshot

by Marc

3.1.6 Extension
Failed logins
If a user try to login and the login fails, this extension creates an entry in the user log. Also on the next login the user will see how much logins failed since his last login.
Failed logins

by tas2580

3.1.6 Extension
First Post On Every Page
Allows to show first post of topic on top of its every page.
First Post On Every Page

by rxu

3.1.6 Extension
phpbb Countdown
The phpBB Countdown extension display a countdown in your forum header, just below the navbar. It can be configured in ACP. You can enable/disable the countdown and set it to count down or count up. You can also set the date and a text displayed b…
phpbb Countdown

by dmzx

3.1.6 Extension
gn36 - customize first post edit permissions
Allows to differenciate between the first post in a topic and replies for edit rights. Also adds a permission to allow users to bypass the maximum edit time on a per-forum basis (also separate first post / replies). Thus, the topic poster coul…
gn36 - customize first post edit permissions

by gn#36

3.1.6 Extension
Upload Extensions
Upload and install extensions and their language packages without using FTP! Manage extensions more quickly and effectively! Use additional features: manage ZIP packages, view file trees, download proper ZIP packages of your extensions and mor…
Upload Extensions

by LavIgor

3.1.6 Extension
Default avatar
Sets a local, remote or gravatar image as a default avatar if the user has not set any. Features: Set avatar dimensions throught the ACP. Option to load no_avatar.gif image from user's style. Set a different avatar depending on the user…
Default avatar

by AlfredoRamos

3.1.6 Extension
Fade Header
Adds one slidershow header of your forum that image changes every 10 seconds with a beautiful effect FADE. Thanks to Slash for the script and Sheer and dmzx for the extension. Style compatible: Prosilver Prosilver_SE se_square se…
Fade Header

by cece74

3.1.7-pl1 Extension