Customisation Database

BBCode Icons
Add a Font Awesome icon to your custom BBCode buttons. Features Add an icon to your custom BBCodes to be displayed on the post editor page. Early Access This extension was made for people to try BBCode Icons early as hopefully…
BBCode Icons

by danieltj

3.3.12 Extension
Online Team Members
The extension will allow you to show active team members in a sidebar on the index page. Only groups that are displayed in the team page are considered as "team" so make sure your group is displayed there first. Extension will show the user avat…
Online Team Members

by Anișor

3.3.12 Extension
Forum image as link
Turns the forum image into the forum link.
No screenshot

by _Vinny_

3.2.2 Extension
Mark Read Confirm
Mark Read Confirm This extension adds a confirmation box before forums and topics are marked as read. Requirements: PHP at least 5.4.7 phpBB at least 3.2.2 See GitHub repository for latest development code:…
Mark Read Confirm

by kasimi

3.2.3 Extension
Quick Title Edition
This extension aims to create topic attributes, which can be applied by Administrators, Moderators and/or the topic author. Attributes can be under the form of a short text, like [Solved by X on Y] , or under the form of an image, like . Th…
Quick Title Edition

by Kailey

3.3.12 Extension
Post Local Storage
A simple phpBB3 extension to locally store the content of a post being written, to avoid losing everything after a crash or session expiration.
Post Local Storage

by Gwyneth Llewelyn

3.3.10 Extension
Adds Milestones to your forum. Installation: 1. Download and unzip the current release. 2. Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. 4. Look for Milestones…

by dmzx

3.2.0 Extension
Email To User On Group Status Change
phpBB 3.2 extension that will send an email to users that are either added, removed, promoted or demoted in a user group. A port of the 3.0 MOD of the same name. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation, then feel free to
No screenshot

by RMcGirr83

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Header Link
Adds links at the top of the forum. You can add FA icons, colour the button, add shadow, control who has access to the link and more. Unused links do not appear as blank spaces as they are all aligned to the left (right in rtl languages) You can …
Header Link

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Add casimages Service
This extention add casimage service on phpBB 3.2.x and- 3.1.x message editor.
Add casimages Service

by fbrcrsi

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
CKEditor 4
Features Basic HTML tags ('li', 'ul', 's', 'sub', 'sup', 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify', 'font=', 'ol', 'table', 'td', 'tr', 'hr') Autosave Youtube tag Custom bbcode tags support Emojis support Imgur Mentions …
CKEditor 4

by DSR!

3.3.10 Extension
Exclude forum ids from statistics
Exclude specified forum id/s from forum statistics. To exclude a forum: ACP / Forums / Manage forums / Edit / General forum settings / ESFFS Settings / Exclude forum.
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by GanstaZ

3.2.3 Extension
Show ACP statistics on index
Display daily score of the posts, topics and members in the index page
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by Anișor

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Group Template Variables
This tiny extension adds template variables which makes it possible to check whether the user is in a certain group. The format of the template variables is S_GROUP_ID , where ID is to be replaced with the id of the group. Example: <!-- IF S_GR…
No screenshot

by martti

3.1.5 Extension
phpBB Browser Push Notifications
An official phpBB extension that enables Web Browser Push Notifications for your phpBB forum. Board members will be able to receive real-time system notifications from their browser on their computers or devices for any of phpBB's existing notific…
phpBB Browser Push Notifications

by Extensions Dev Robot

3.3.13 Extension
Smart Subjects
With this extension installed, changing the subject (title) of a topic's first post will update all replies with matching (Re:) subject lines to the new title. Features: Editing the first post's subject will update all matching replies…
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by MattF

3.2.2 Extension
An extension for phpBB 3.2.x that allows users to post in LaTeX. The extension automatically adds the appropriate BBCode as well as the \( and \) delimiters.
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by Kailey

3.2.2 Extension
Hide 24 hour activity stats (Add-on)
Hide the statistics block of the extension “24 hour activity stats” >= 1.0.6 to users/groups, at will. The statistics will be shown only to authorized users/groups, based on the permission under ACP->permissions->misc. The permission is not set,…
No screenshot

by 3Di

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Clickable Headerbar
This extension will make the forum header clickable to return to the index.
Clickable Headerbar

by ssl

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Name Suggestions
This extension allows to add user or group name suggestions to any location you like. Only a phpBB event hook location is needed to add those suggestions. Features: Display as much user or group name suggestions as you like Display the ava…
Name Suggestions

by MarkusWME

3.2.0 Extension
gn36 - Hookup
The Hookup extension adds a meeting planner to your forum, similar to doodle and other such sites. You can agree upon a date to meet or use text entries instead of dates to obtain a quick overview of users opinions on certain entries, or perhaps…
gn36 - Hookup

by gn#36

3.1.10 Extension
Auto subscription own topic
This extension keep the option 'Notify me when a reply is posted' checked by default automatically to subscription own topic.
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by _Vinny_

3.2.1 Extension
Prime note bbcode
Add a Note BBCode, which displays a tooltip-like box containing text when the mouse is moved over the Note BBCode icon. The text inside the box accepts BBCodes, the pop-up box will close automatically when the mouse is moved off the icon (unless …
Prime note bbcode

by 3Di

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Prime Login Return
Attempts to return users to the page they were at just prior to logging in and logging out.
No screenshot

by primehalo

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension