Customisation Database

No notice delete unread PMs
Deletes unread PMs without delivering any notice to intended recipients. This is a port and rewrite of the 3.0 MOD "No more notice upon deleted PM", found here: Done with p…
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by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Email To User On Group Status Change
phpBB 3.2 extension that will send an email to users that are either added, removed, promoted or demoted in a user group. A port of the 3.0 MOD of the same name. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation, then feel free to
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by RMcGirr83

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Show ACP statistics on index
Display daily score of the posts, topics and members in the index page
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by Anișor

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
The Translate App makes integration with the Website Translator a breeze. This app will make your site multi-lingual, extending your reach to other countries and users that speak other languages! has an advanced transla…

by Translate

3.1.9 Extension
opt-in/out e-mails on registration
phpBB by default automatically subscribes the new user to receive boards emails upon registration. This extension allows users to choose whether subscribe or not to the admin news/board emails during registration process. The subscription is disab…
opt-in/out e-mails on registration

by SiteSplat

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
gn36 - Hookup
The Hookup extension adds a meeting planner to your forum, similar to doodle and other such sites. You can agree upon a date to meet or use text entries instead of dates to obtain a quick overview of users opinions on certain entries, or perhaps…
gn36 - Hookup

by gn#36

3.1.10 Extension
Recent searches on index
This Extension only allows administrators to see the recent research on the index that have been made by users, and yourself. Requirements: Phpbb 3.1 <---> 3.2 <---> php 5.4 Features: ACP : Enable/Disable ACP : Choice t…
Recent searches on index

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Activity Buttons - Quick Links Into Header
Extension Name: Activity Buttons. Extension Description: Adds a responsive button set in the header for your users to view: New posts, active topics, their posts & unread topics. Guests will see buttons to Register & Login. The links …
Activity Buttons - Quick Links Into Header

by Volksdevil

3.1.7-pl1 Extension
Post Models
This extension is the conversion of the Elglobo's MOD "Post Models" . This extension allows to create models that can be used when writting a message. Features: Each models can be used in posts or in PMs (settable); It's possible to creat…
Post Models

by Zoddo

3.1.5 Extension
User Posts in a Topic
Extension that will allow users, if so authed to search, to be able to click on a link within a topic on a user and see all the posts from that user that are within the topic. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
User Posts in a Topic

by RMcGirr83

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
View exif data
Shows exif data for images (jpg- and tiff format) posted as attachment Requirements: php exif library installed phpBB 3.1.6-RC1 or higher for proper events PHP 5.3.3 or higher Features: show some exif data of attached…
View exif data

by canonknipser

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Countdown Disable Board
This Extension will display a countdown when you disable the board, all configurable from APP. You can choose the background color, images displayed, the text of the message HTML allowed. Features: Enable or Disable from ACP Choosing whe…
Countdown Disable Board

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
News Scroll
Adds a scrolling text under the breadcrumbs of your forum. It can be configured to appear on all pages or just on the Index Page and/or for members only. You can preview the scrolling text in the ACP before displaying it on the forum. Special Char…
News Scroll

by HiFiKabin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Forum Disclaimer
Adds an expandable disclaimer panel to the bottom of each page
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by david63

3.1.2 Extension
Referrer displays an overview of referrer logs in Maintenance module of ACP. This extension logs all referrers it finds and keep track of hits, first visit and last visit. A cron job can prune the referrers after a configurable time.
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by John P

3.1.2 Extension
login Redirect
Redirects a user or group to a chosen topic/announcement when they log in Features: Select topic for redirection Able to automatically redirect to the latest announcement posted Able to redirect new users to a topic Able to redi…
login Redirect

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
Email List
Adds an Admin option to display a list of member's email addresses Features: The list will be found in ACP > Users & Groups If Jabber is enabled on the board then Jabber addresses (where set) will be displayed. You can sort the lis…
Email List

by david63

3.1.4 Extension
FAQ Manager
Adds an easy to use FAQ Manager for the ACP. Mod port: This is a port of FAQ Manager by EXreaction Features: Can add new FAQs. Can edit existing FAQs. Can delete FAQs. Can reorder FAQs. Note: Version 1.0.0 will not w…
No screenshot

by david63

3.1.3 Extension
Announcement on Index
Description: Displays announcements on the index page. Mod port: This is a port of Global Announcements on Index page by vectra-mods Features: Display Global Announcements and/or Announcements on index page Allow guests…
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by david63

3.1.3 Extension
Provides RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 customized newsfeeds. Users select forums they want, including protected forums if they can access them. There are myriad options to customize the feed.

by MarkDHamill

3.3.5 3.2.0 3.1.9 Extension
This Extension Adds the ability for users to set their current mood which is then displayed in profile. Features: UCP: Choice of mood Choice of mood on the recording page Viewing mood in the user profile, topic search, and viewtopic. L…

by Galandas

3.3.12 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
QuickReply Reloaded
Extends the features of standard quick reply. Extension's website with a demo, description and changelog: Many answers to common questions can be found in extension's FAQ . Please note that versio…
QuickReply Reloaded

by LavIgor

3.1.9 Extension
Advanced Active Topics
This Extension displays the last active topics on index, in a very beautiful effect jquery, with two movement options of your choice from ACP. And many other features listed in bottom. Features: ACP : Enable / Disable Choosing whether t…
Advanced Active Topics

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
phpBB 3.1 Newspage Extension
Adds an extra page to the board where a switchable number of news can be displayed. The news texts can be shorten to a given number of characters. Also the icons can be switched on/off (post icons, user icons)
phpBB 3.1 Newspage Extension

by nickvergessen

3.1.4 Extension