Displays a pop-up when clicking on the number of replies within a forum that will display who posted in that topic.
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Extension will display those users who have a birthday coming as per the settings in the ACP (under the "load" and "Board features" settings). Loading of Birthdays must be set to display in the ACP. This is a port of the phpBB 3.0.x …
Adds a new forum permission to restrict access to viewing posts to certain groups and forums (located under the misc tab). Once enabled you must set which forums for which groups, under the group permissions of the forum, you want to restrict vie…
This is a port of the phpBB version 3.0.x Topic Descriptions that adds the possibility of being able to describe topics, in posting page. Based on permissions per forum. Descriptions are displayed in viewtopic, viewforum, search results (only di…
Will show the topics that had a recent post, the most active users and latest registered users as per the setting within the ACP. Will also utilize the national flags extension if installed.
Extension is set to initially off. Visit the extension…
Adds a permission setting to control who can reply to other user's topics.
Adds a permission to the forum `Post` category to restrict replies to user's that started the topic.
Adds a new permission role to quickly set `no thi…
Provides RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 customized newsfeeds. Users select forums they want, including protected forums if they can access them. There are myriad options to customize the feed.
This extensions add support for mentioning a user by starting to type a @ in the posting field.
Once you select a user from the dropdown, the [mention] BBCode will be inserted and after submitting the post it will create a notification to that use…
Allows the admin to set an option that will only allow unregistered users/guests to view the first post of any topic. The number of characters to display for the first post is also able to be set on a per forum basis. The rest of the posts in the …
Share On allows users to share the topics and posts on social networks 🔂
PHP 7.1.3 or greater
phpBB 3.3 or greater
Add Meta Description with SEO Meta Description
Add image and meta description with SEO Metada…
Add dynamically generated meta tags and microdata (Open Graph, Twitter Cards and JSON-LD) of your forums and topics to improve SEO of your board and show correct information when you share it though social networks, including (but not limited to) …
This extension allows changes to the Mass email function (ACP > System > Mass emails). This extension adds additional filters, allowing administrators to narrow down the list of users getting mass emails, generally to reach users who access the bo…
Extension adds the ability to show the number of topics, and a link to display them, when viewing a users profile
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This extension allows you to insert Random Banner that flow into a really nice effect. Fully configurable from ACP.
ACP : Enable/Disable
ACP : you can add new banner
ACP : You can change the banner
ACP : you can delete th…
Sends a personal welcome message to user upon registration. Will send a private message if user registration in the ACP is set to
No Activation
By User (email verification)
By Admin
Link for settings for the extension will show on the G…
Allows users of your forum, if authed to print topics, to print all the posts within a topic.
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Inserts the content of a post or private messages into notification e-mails for the phpBB 3.2 forum software. Options allow BBCodes to be kept or removed and notification emails to be sent after every new post or just the first new post.
Simplify your phpBB 3.2/3.3 setup by only having one single forum with all topics visible from the forum's index page. Great for when you only want/need a single list of topics and don't have a need for multiple forums.
If you still need or want…
The extension sends e-mail reminders to users who have been inactive for the defined period. If user does not return (wake up) after the 3d reminder user will be enabled for (auto) deletion. After 3 reminders the extension stops sending reminders …
An official phpBB extension that enables Web Browser Push Notifications for your phpBB forum. Board members will be able to receive real-time system notifications from their browser on their computers or devices for any of phpBB's existing notific…
An official phpBB Extension, Pages allows you to create custom static pages for your phpBB forum, such as an About Us page, News page, or even a simple forum Blog. The Page creator allows you to create page content using BBCodes or HTML, making it…
Shows an ACP configurable mailto link in a form that makes it less SPAMable than the Contact Us page in the phpBB3.1.x package. There is a switch to allow you to choose between this extension and the inbuilt Contact Us form (the switch action is d…
phpBB extension that will not allow the quoting of the last post in a topic. An extension originally developed by Tojag.
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phpBB extension that allows users to be able to choose a national flag and have a top (those with the most users selecting the flag) number of flags display on the index page of a phpBB forum. Header is link to a listing of all users of a flag. …