The Hookup extension adds a meeting planner to your forum, similar to doodle and other such sites.
You can agree upon a date to meet or use text entries instead of dates to obtain a quick overview of users opinions on certain entries, or perhaps…
phpBB 3.2 extension that will send an email to users that are either added, removed, promoted or demoted in a user group. A port of the 3.0 MOD of the same name.
If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation, then feel free to
This extension adds the [user] BBCode to your board, which styles the enclosed username as everywhere else on the phpBB UI:
Main group color
Bold when applicable
Links to the user profile
Usage is simple:
The extension sends e-mail reminders to users who have been inactive for the defined period. If user does not return (wake up) after the 3d reminder user will be enabled for (auto) deletion. After 3 reminders the extension stops sending reminders …
The most requested feature is finally here! This extension replaces posting area with a simple visual editor. It will allow you to see how the post will look like in the final form when composing it. No more struggle with BBcodes!
This extension allows changes to the Mass email function (ACP > System > Mass emails). This extension adds additional filters, allowing administrators to narrow down the list of users getting mass emails, generally to reach users who access the bo…
Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/spl
Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Spotify OAuth2 light" extension.
Application settings:
Allows users of your forum, if authed to print topics, to print all the posts within a topic.
If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
phpBB extension that will not allow the quoting of the last post in a topic. An extension originally developed by Tojag.
If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Extension Name: HTML Entities
Author: luo-ning
Extension Description: Render HTML entities in post text content
Requirements: N/A
Allow users to render HTML entities in post text content, such as…
IMPORTANT please see This Topic
Extension Name: gTranslate
Author: HiFiKabin
Extension Description: Adds gTranslate to your board. This is a replacement for my Google Trans…
Adds a permission setting to control who can reply to other user's topics.
Adds a permission to the forum `Post` category to restrict replies to user's that started the topic.
Adds a new permission role to quickly set `no thi…
# phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light
## Installation
Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/bna
Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light" …
Inserts the content of a post or private messages into notification e-mails for the phpBB 3.2 forum software. Options allow BBCodes to be kept or removed and notification emails to be sent after every new post or just the first new post.
# Extend OAuth login for phpBB
The intention of this extension is to extend the list of Phpbb OAuth providers. At the moment it adds Github, Discord, Microsoft, Reddit and Wordpress as oauth providers.
This is a public version of my private …
The Translate App makes integration with the Website Translator a breeze. This app will make your site multi-lingual, extending your reach to other countries and users that speak other languages! has an advanced transla…
A really simple shoutbox for your phpBB board.
The shoutbox is only displayed on the bottom of the board index and supports bbcode and smilies.
Support is provided here at or at m
Adds a scrolling text under the breadcrumbs of your forum. It can be configured to appear on all pages or just on the Index Page and/or for members only. You can preview the scrolling text in the ACP before displaying it on the forum. Special Char…
# phpBB Studio - Discord OAuth2 light
## Installation
Copy the extension to ./ext/phpbbstudio/dol
Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the phpBB Studio - Discord OAuth2 light extension.
## …
Simplify your phpBB 3.2/3.3 setup by only having one single forum with all topics visible from the forum's index page. Great for when you only want/need a single list of topics and don't have a need for multiple forums.
If you still need or want…
This Extension will display a countdown when you disable the board, all configurable from APP. You can choose the background color, images displayed, the text of the message HTML allowed.
Enable or Disable from ACP
Choosing whe…
Adds an extra page to the board where a switchable number of news can be displayed. The news texts can be shorten to a given number of characters. Also the icons can be switched on/off (post icons, user icons)