Customisation Database

smilies scroll box
Based on mod Smilies scroll box By Steve Smilies in a scroll box (prosilver only).
smilies scroll box

by alex75

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Verified Profiles
Add a verification badge (✅) to user profiles on your forum. Features Adds a badge next to usernames of verified users. Verified users can choose to show or hide their badge. Verify groups to automatically verify all group members…
Verified Profiles

by danieltj

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Sticky Profile
This extension will enable floating mini profile in topic view. Version 1.0.1 ensures compatibility with the mobile version of the Milk theme Thanks to Mannix_
Sticky Profile

by ssl

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
Header banner
Extension Description: Removes the content of the header replacing it with a banner of your choice that scales to the browser window. Undersized banners are centred on wide browser windows. The search (if enabled) can be placed on the header…
Header banner

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)
Extension Name: April Fools Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds flies and/or spiders crawling over the index page of your forum. Drive your users mad Based On: Bug by Graham McNicoll Live Demo: …
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 Extension
Max-width switch
This extension adds the ability to the UCP to remove the max-width of prosilver. Github: m
Max-width switch

by Crizzo

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.3 Extension
Collapsible Forum Categories
An official phpBB extension that allows users to collapse and minimise forum categories with a simple click. Features : Collapsed forums are remembered for users (using the db) and guests (using cookies). CSS styling makes it easy to adjus…
Collapsible Forum Categories

by Extensions Dev Robot

3.3.11 3.2.11 3.1.12 Extension
Footer Icons
This extension allows you to add linked icons to the board footer from a choice of around 1,200 icons. Font Awesome 6 "Brands" icons have been added to the existing default ones. You can create as many links as you want. The colour of the ic…
Footer Icons

by cabot

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Basic Footer Socials
This extension lets you to add some basic Font Awesome socials to your forum footer. You can configure, adjust the colour, size, hover effect and shape of the social icons via the ACP. The icon focus states use a box shadow to improve accessi…
Basic Footer Socials

by ForumFlair

3.3.10 Extension
Change Logo
Simple logo changer for phpBB. With this extension, you will no longer need to modify the files to change the logo, nor make the changes again when you update your board. Use image hosting or upload the logo to a directory of your board. Enter it…
Change Logo

by cabot

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Advanced BBCode Box
Take control of your BBCodes! Replace phpBB's BBCode buttons with beautiful icons. Sort and assign privileges to your custom BBCodes. Add BBCode buttons to Quick Reply. And get many new and useful custom BBCodes, including support for embedding …
Advanced BBCode Box

by MattF

3.3.10 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Memorial Ribbon
Extension Name: Memorial Ribbon Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds a Black Memorial Ribbon over your boards logo Language: n/a Extension Version: 3.3.0 Requirements: phpBB 3.3.0@dev and late…
Memorial Ribbon

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 Extension
Attachment Fluff Buster
Extension Name: Attachment Fluff Buster Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Removes the Name, File Size and Download Count from attachments. Extension Version: 3.2.0 Language: NA Supported Styles: …
Attachment Fluff Buster

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Left Side Post Profiles
This extension permanently moves post profiles to the left side. Post profiles on small screens are not affected by the extension as they are displayed above posts by default. The online banner image on posts, PM'S and profiles is replaced wi…
Left Side Post Profiles

by ForumFlair

3.3.8 Extension
SCSS Compiler
Some phpBB styles are written in a SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) syntax and generate .scss files. These .scss files are then compiled by a SCSS compiler, generating a CSS file which is used to render the style. The Elegance style by…
SCSS Compiler

by MarkDHamill

3.3.8 Extension
Slideshow Management
An extension for phpBB that allows administrators to manage slideshow on their forums. Features: Manage custom slides Upload image Show newest topics (with permision check) Hide BBCode contents Choose which pages to display the slideshow R…
Slideshow Management

by huynhbuutam

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension
Member Avatar & Status
This Extension Lets Admin to display User's Avatar & it's Online Status on Index , Memberlist , The Team , Viewonline[Who is online] , Who Is Online Stat Block , Viewforum , Search , Posting Topic Review , MCP Topic Review , PM …
Member Avatar & Status

by Dark❶

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension
User Post Profile Side Selector
This extension adds an option to the UCP to let users choose which side the post profiles are displayed. Post profiles on small screens are not affected by the extension as they are displayed above posts by default. The online banner image on…
User Post Profile Side Selector

by ForumFlair

3.3.8 Extension
Simple View Topic Post Profile Alternator
This extension adds an option to the UCP to let users alternate the post profile sides. If the user chooses to display the first post profile on the left side, the second post profile will be on the right side, the third post profile will be o…
Simple View Topic Post Profile Alternator

by ForumFlair

3.3.8 Extension
Discussion Encouragement With Quick Login
This extension adds a discussion encouragement panel to the bottom of the topics on your forum. The panel encourages users to register or login using the quick login form. If registration is disabled, only the quick login form will be display…
Discussion Encouragement With Quick Login

by ForumFlair

3.3.8 Extension
Private Message Box Status Bars
This extension adds a visual representation of the space used/remaining to private message boxes. Features: On first view progress bar has an animated loading effect Works for all PM boxes (in, out, sent and custom folders) Alert status - b…
Private Message Box Status Bars

by MattF

3.3.8 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Adds the Lightbox2 jQuery plugin to phpBB. It will resize posted images down to your defined maximum height/width settings and display them full-screen in an elegant Lightbox overlay effect when clicked on by the user. Features: Resize images…

by MattF

3.3.7 3.2.11 3.1.11 Extension
Forum FA Icon
Name: Forum FA Icon Author: Steve Description: Use Font Awesome icons in Forum names. Version: 1.0.0 Requirements: phpBB 3.3.0 Features: Different FA icons for different Forums names. Use multiple FA …
Forum FA Icon

by Steve

3.3.7 Extension
Dark Mode
This extension allows to switch to Light /Dark mode. It's invert color with CSS.
Dark Mode

by Aurelienazerty

3.3.7 3.2.11 Extension