Customisation Database

Dark Mode
This extension allows to switch to Light /Dark mode. It's invert color with CSS.
Dark Mode

by Aurelienazerty

3.3.7 3.2.11 Extension
Membership timespan
Replaces 'Joined' with 'Registered for' membership timespan in viewtopic/PM miniprofiles and user profiles. It displays the time passed since account registration. Actual registration time can be seen by hovering mouse cursor on that time text.
Membership timespan

by rxu

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
List subforums in columns
Allows to choose how subforums are listed in parent's forum legend - inline or in column(s), on per-forum basis. Number of columns to split subforums into in parent's forum legend can be set while creating forum/editing forum settings in ACP. Sett…
List subforums in columns

by rxu

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
First post on every page
Allows to show first post of topic on top of its every page. This extension is a successor of First Post On Every Page extension for phpBB 3.1 but is not backward compatible in order to provide phpBB 3.2+ compatibility. This means the extension …
First post on every page

by rxu

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
Annual Star
Extension will display a star with the number of years a user has been registered on a forum. Color of the star changes based on number of years of membership. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Annual Star

by RMcGirr83

3.3.1 3.2.10 Extension
Verified Profiles
Add a verification badge (✅) to user profiles on your forum. Features Adds a badge next to usernames of verified users. Verified users can choose to show or hide their badge. Verify groups to automatically verify all group members…
Verified Profiles

by danieltj

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension