Customisation Database

Active Birthdays
Limit the users who's birthdays are displayed on the main forum page to only users that have recently visited the forum. Very useful for forums with a large user base. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted…
Active Birthdays

by Jakester34

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Activity Buttons - Quick Links Into Header
Extension Name: Activity Buttons. Extension Description: Adds a responsive button set in the header for your users to view: New posts, active topics, their posts & unread topics. Guests will see buttons to Register & Login. The links …
Activity Buttons - Quick Links Into Header

by Volksdevil

3.1.7-pl1 Extension
Advanced BBCode Box
Take control of your BBCodes! Replace phpBB's BBCode buttons with beautiful icons. Sort and assign privileges to your custom BBCodes. Add BBCode buttons to Quick Reply. And get many new and useful custom BBCodes, including support for embedding …
Advanced BBCode Box

by MattF

3.3.13 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Ajax Base
This extension will ajaxify your phpBB board. Ajaxifies Who is online, Statistics and Post preview! ------------------ Also try: - Browser & Mobile Notifications Extension
No screenshot

by Senky

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
AJAX Registration check
Checks user input during the registration. If a field has been filled in incorrectly, it is highlighted in red.
AJAX Registration check

by tas2580

3.1.9 Extension
AJAX Registration Check
An extension that checks data on the registration form with AJAX so that no invalid or unwanted data could be typed in. Features: Check if the username is valid or already in use Check if the E-Mail address is valid or already in use Ch…
AJAX Registration Check

by MarkusWME

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
AJAX Userinfo
Displays a popup with informations about an user when you go over an user name with the mouse.
AJAX Userinfo

by tas2580

3.1.10 Extension
Analogue Clock
Adds an Analogue Clock to the NavBar of the forum. The time shown is taken from your computers time so therefore needs no settings to be applied. Language: n/a Extension Version: 1.0.6 Supported Styles: Prosilver It has…
Analogue Clock

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
Announcement on Index
Description: Displays announcements on the index page. Mod port: This is a port of Global Announcements on Index page by vectra-mods Features: Display Global Announcements and/or Announcements on index page Allow guests…
No screenshot

by david63

3.1.3 Extension
Annual Star
Extension will display a star with the number of years a user has been registered on a forum. Color of the star changes based on number of years of membership. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Annual Star

by RMcGirr83

3.3.1 3.2.10 Extension
April Falls
Extension Name: April Falls Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Makes the index page of your board look broken and out of alignment. All of the links will work as they should. Extension Version: 3.2.0 Sup…
April Falls

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)
Extension Name: April Fools Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds flies and/or spiders crawling over the index page of your forum. Drive your users mad Based On: Bug by Graham McNicoll Live Demo: …
April Fools (Bugs In The Machine)

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 Extension
Attachment Fluff Buster
Extension Name: Attachment Fluff Buster Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Removes the Name, File Size and Download Count from attachments. Extension Version: 3.2.0 Language: NA Supported Styles: …
Attachment Fluff Buster

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Audio Attachment Player
Displays audio attachment files (mp3, m4a, ogg) in HTML5 audio player.
Audio Attachment Player

by hubaishan

3.2.2 3.1.11 Extension
Avatar in last post
Extension makes it possible to display avatars of users who have left the last message in the list of topics and forums.
Avatar in last post

by [email protected]

3.1.8 Extension
Avatars on Memberlist
Displays a small thumbnail of users avatars on the memberlist. ------------------ Also try: - Browser & Mobile Notifications Extension
Avatars on Memberlist

by Senky

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
background forum
With this extension, you can just add a 'picture with name background.jpg in your forum root/ext/alex75/background/styles/prosilver/theme/background.jpg will be displayed as the background of your forum.
background forum

by alex75

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
background image in text area
Based on mod "image in text area By barrnet". Add a background image in text area (in quick reply and in full editor. Only Prosilver). the default image, can be replaced in: .../ext/alex75/imageintextarea/styles/prosilver/theme/message.png
background image in text area

by alex75

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Basic Footer Socials
This extension lets you to add some basic Font Awesome socials to your forum footer. You can configure, adjust the colour, size, hover effect and shape of the social icons via the ACP. The icon focus states use a box shadow to improve accessi…
Basic Footer Socials

by ForumFlair

3.3.10 Extension
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields
Adds the possibility to include BBCodes in profile fields of String or Text types. Unlike the MOD that was used in 3.0, this is activated individually for each field that it requires it, and also allows to decide if one field allows it and anothe…
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields

by 3Di

3.2.7 Extension
BBCode Icons
Add a Font Awesome icon to your custom BBCode buttons. Features Add an icon to your custom BBCodes to be displayed on the post editor page. Early Access This extension was made for people to try BBCode Icons early as hopefully…
BBCode Icons

by danieltj

3.3.12 Extension
Birthday Cake
Will display a birthday cake on a users birthday within viewtopic as well as the users profile. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Birthday Cake

by RMcGirr83

3.3.1 3.2.10 3.1.11 Extension
Birthday List On Top
Moves the birthday list from the bottom of the forum to the top Extension Version: 1.0.5 Supported Styles: prosilver Installation: Download the latest release and unzip it. Upload the the folder hifikabin to roo…
Birthday List On Top

by HiFiKabin

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.10 Extension
Board3 Portal
Adds a portal with several modules to your forum. You can change the settings, move the modules, add new modules, and more in the ACP. Uses a table-free and responsive layout in prosilver. An unlimited amount of custom blocks can be added in the ACP.
Board3 Portal

by Marc

3.1.5 Extension